Carlos Caleiro

Orcid: 0000-0001-5587-6585

According to our database1, Carlos Caleiro authored at least 74 papers between 1996 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Modular Many-Valued Semantics for combined Logics.
J. Symb. Log., 2024

Some more theorems on structural entailment relations and non-deterministic semantics.
CoRR, 2023

Bull. Symb. Log., December, 2022

A Robust Reputation-Based Group Ranking System and Its Resistance to Bribery.
ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, 2022

Computational properties of finite PNmatrices.
J. Log. Comput., 2022

Monadicity of Non-deterministic Logical Matrices is Undecidable.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications, 2022

Computational Properties of Partial Non-deterministic Matrices and Their Logics.
Proceedings of the Logical Foundations of Computer Science - International Symposium, 2022

Axiomatizing non-deterministic many-valued generalized consequence relations.
Synth., 2021

What is a logical theory? On theories containing assertions and denials.
Synth., 2021

On the index of convergence of a class of Boolean matrices with structural properties.
Int. J. Control, 2021

On the negative impact of social influence in recommender systems: A study of bribery in collaborative hybrid algorithms.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2020

Infectious semantics and analytic calculi for even more inclusion logics.
Proceedings of the 50th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 2020

A Novel Similarity Measure for Group Recommender Systems with Optimal Time Complexity.
Proceedings of the Bias and Social Aspects in Search and Recommendation, 2020

Generalized probabilistic satisfiability and applications to modelling attackers with side-channel capabilities.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2019

Combining fragments of classical logic: When are interaction principles needed?
Soft Comput., 2019

Semi-BCI Algebras.
J. Multiple Valued Log. Soft Comput., 2019

Probabilistic logic over equations and domain restrictions.
Math. Struct. Comput. Sci., 2019

Analytic Calculi for Monadic PNmatrices.
Proceedings of the Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, 2019

Characterizing finite-valuedness.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2018

The robust minimal controllability problem for switched linear continuous-time systems.
Proceedings of the 2018 Annual American Control Conference, 2018

Compositional Meaning in Logic.
Logica Universalis, 2017

On the characterization of fibred logics, with applications to conservativity and finite-valuedness.
J. Log. Comput., 2017

Robust reputation-based ranking on multipartite rating networks.
CoRR, 2017

Recommendation via matrix completion using Kolmogorov complexity.
CoRR, 2017

Disjoint Fibring of Non-deterministic Matrices.
Proceedings of the Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, 2017

Classical Generalized Probabilistic Satisfiability.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017

Reputation-Based Ranking Systems and Their Resistance to Bribery.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2017

Merging Fragments of Classical Logic.
Proceedings of the Frontiers of Combining Systems - 11th International Symposium, 2017

Decidability and complexity of fibred logics without shared connectives.
Log. J. IGPL, 2016

Generalized Probabilistic Satisfiability.
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications, 2016

Bivalent semantics, generalized compositionality and analytic classic-like tableaux for finite-valued logics.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2015

An Equation-Based Classical Logic.
Proceedings of the Logic, Language, Information, and Computation, 2015

Abstract Valuation Semantics.
Stud Logica, 2013

On the Mosaic Method for Many-Dimensional Modal Logics: A Case Study Combining Tense and Modal Operators.
Logica Universalis, 2013

A Labeled Deduction System for the Logic UB.
Proceedings of the 2013 20th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2013

Symbolic Probabilistic Analysis of Off-Line Guessing.
Proceedings of the Computer Security - ESORICS 2013, 2013

Many-valuedness Meets Bivalence: Using Logical Values in an EffectiveWay.
J. Multiple Valued Log. Soft Comput., 2012

Classic-Like Cut-Based Tableau Systems for Finite-Valued Logics.
Proceedings of the Logic, Language, Information and Computation, 2012

Distributed temporal logic for the analysis of security protocol models.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2011

Hierarchical logical consequence.
Log. J. IGPL, 2011

Towards a Behavioral Algebraic Theory of Logical Valuations.
Fundam. Informaticae, 2011

FAST: An Efficient Decision Procedure for Deduction and Static Equivalence.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 2011

Two Many Values: An Algorithmic Outlook on Suszko's Thesis.
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 2010

Efficient Decision Procedures for Message Deducibility and Static Equivalence.
Proceedings of the Formal Aspects of Security and Trust - 7th International Workshop, 2010

Behavioral Algebraization of Logics.
Stud Logica, 2009

Labelled Tableaux for Distributed Temporal Logic.
J. Log. Comput., 2009

Behavioral algebraization of da Costa's C-systems.
J. Appl. Non Class. Logics, 2009

Modeling and Reasoning about an Attacker with Cryptanalytical Capabilities.
Proceedings of Seventh Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages, 2009

Classic-Like Analytic Tableaux for Finite-Valued Logics.
Proceedings of the Logic, 2009

Algebraic Valuations as Behavioral Logical Matrices.
Proceedings of the Logic, 2009

A Labeled Tableaux Systemfor the Distributed Temporal Logic DTL.
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, 2008

From Fibring to Cryptofibring. A Solution to the Collapsing Problem.
Logica Universalis, 2007

Combining Classical and Intuitionistic Implications.
Proceedings of the Frontiers of Combining Systems, 6th International Symposium, 2007

On the semantics of Alice&Bob specifications of security protocols.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2006

On the Algebraization of Many-Sorted Logics.
Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 2006

Quantum Institutions.
Proceedings of the Algebra, Meaning, and Computation, 2006

Relating Strand Spaces and Distributed Temporal Logic for Security Protocol Analysis.
Log. J. IGPL, 2005

Deconstructing Alice and Bob.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis, 2005

Fibring Logics: Past, Present and Future.
Proceedings of the We Will Show Them! Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay, Volume One, 2005

Metareasoning about Security Protocols using Distributed Temporal Logic.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis, 2004

Cryptomorphisms at Work.
Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 2004

Fibring Non-Truth-Functional Logics: Completeness Preservation.
J. Log. Lang. Inf., 2003

Completeness Results for Fibred Parchments: Beyond the Propositional Base.
Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 2002

Combining Logics: Parchments Revisited.
Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 2001

Specifying Communication in Distributed Information Systems.
Acta Informatica, 2000

Fibring of Logics as a Categorial Construction.
J. Log. Comput., 1999

Denotational Semantics of Object Specification.
Acta Informatica, 1998

Parameterisation of Logics.
Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 1998

Categorial Fibring of Logics with Terms and Binding Operators.
Proceedings of the Frontiers of Combining Systems, Second International Workshop, 1998

Logics for Specifying Concurrent Information Systems.
Proceedings of the Logics for Databases and Information Systems (the book grow out of the Dagstuhl Seminar 9529: Role of Logics in Information Systems, 1998

Synchronization of Logics.
Stud Logica, 1997

Synchronization of Logics with Mixed Rules: Completeness Preservation.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 1997

A Linear Temporal Logic Approach to Objects with Transactions.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 1997

Deriving Liveness Goals from Temporal Logic Specifications.
J. Symb. Comput., 1996
