Bruce H. Thomas
Orcid: 0000-0002-9148-085XAffiliations:
- University of South Australia, Australia
According to our database1,
Bruce H. Thomas
authored at least 267 papers
between 1995 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Hey Building! Novel Interfaces for Parametric Design Manipulations in Virtual Reality.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 2024
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct, 2024
Immersive Focus+Context Techniques to Assist in Interpretation of High Density Forest Point Clouds.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2024
Augmented Reality Annotations for Assisting with Decision-Making and Time-Critical Tasking.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2024
Adaptive Portals: Enhancing Virtual Reality Interaction Spaces With Real-Time Self-Adjusting Portals.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2024
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
Proceedings of the Augmented Humans International Conference 2024, 2024
Event Related Brain Responses Reveal the Impact of Spatial Augmented Reality Predictive Cues on Mental Effort.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., December, 2023
Multi-Level Precues for Guiding Tasks Within and Between Workspaces in Spatial Augmented Reality.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., November, 2023
Multimodal Technol. Interact., February, 2023
J. Comput. Lang., 2023
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2023
Examining VR Technologies for Immersive Lighting Performance Simulation and Visualisation in Building Design and Analysis.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops, 2023
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct, 2023
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct, 2023
Envisioning Paramersive Design: An Immersive Approach to Architectural Design and Review.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct, 2023
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2023
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
ProxSituated Visualization: An Extended Model of Situated Visualization using Proxies for Physical Referents.
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
Towards Applied Remapped Physical-Virtual Interfaces: Synchronization Methods for Resolving Control State Conflicts.
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
A Comparison of Spatial Augmented Reality Predictive Cues and their Effects on Sleep Deprived Users.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2022
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2022
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2022
Evaluating Visual Cues for Future Airborne Surveillance Using Simulated Augmented Reality Displays.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2022
Augmented Scale Models: Presenting Multivariate Data Around Physical Scale Models in Augmented Reality.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2022
Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2022
Towards a Quantitative Approach for Monitoring and Evaluating Construction Defect Management Inspection Performance using Eye-tracking Technologies.
Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2022
Augmented Reality Support for Performance and Decision-Making in Collaborative Time-Critical Tasks.
Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2022
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2022
Proceedings of the CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022, 2022
Exploring Hybrid Reality Environments for Overview+detail Tasks in Immersive Data Visualisation.
Proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality co-located with a joint international conference of the 32nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 27th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE2022), 2022
CoRR, 2021
Proceedings of the VRST '21: 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Virtual Event / Osaka, Japan, December 8, 2021
Comparing the Neuro-Physiological Effects of Cinematic Virtual Reality with 2D Monitors.
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2021
Proceedings of the TEI '21: Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, 2021
Proceedings of the Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Contemporary Technological Environments, 2021
Towards Embodied Interaction for Geospatial Energy Sector Analytics in Immersive Environments.
Proceedings of the e-Energy '21: The Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, Virtual Event, Torino, Italy, 28 June, 2021
Bringing the Jury to the Scene of the Crime: Memory and Decision-Making in a Simulated Crime Scene.
Proceedings of the CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
Proceedings of the CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, 2021
J. Comput. Lang., 2020
There Is No Spoon: Evaluating Performance, Space Use, and Presence with Expert Domain Users in Immersive Analytics.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2020
Multimodal Technol. Interact., 2020
Examining Computer-Supported 3D Event Recreation for Enhancing Cognitive Load, Memorability, and Engagement.
Multimodal Technol. Interact., 2020
Proceedings of the CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020
Proceedings of the CHI '20: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games., 2019
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2019
Frontiers Robotics AI, 2019
Towards Robot Arm Training in Virtual Reality Using Partial Least Squares Regression.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2019
GeoGate: Correlating Geo-Temporal Datasets Using an Augmented Reality Space-Time Cube and Tangible Interactions.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, 2019
3DUITK: An Opensource Toolkit for Thirty Years of Three-Dimensional Interaction Research.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2019
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2019
Scaptics and Highlight-Planes: Immersive Interaction Techniques for Finding Occluded Features in 3D Scatterplots.
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019
On the Shoulder of the Giant: A Multi-Scale Mixed Reality Collaboration with 360 Video Sharing and Tangible Interaction.
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019
J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 2018
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2018
Narrative and Spatial Memory for Jury Viewings in a Reconstructed Virtual Environment.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2018
Superman vs Giant: A Study on Spatial Perception for a Multi-Scale Mixed Reality Flying Telepresence Interface.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2018
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, 2018
Floor-Projected Guidance Cues for Collaborative Exploration of Spatial Augmented Reality Setups.
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics, 2018
Immersive Collaborative Analysis of Network Connectivity: CAVE-style or Head-Mounted Display?
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2017
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2017
CheekInput: turning your cheek into an input surface by embedded optical sensors on a head-mounted display.
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2017
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality, 2017
ImAxes: Immersive Axes as Embodied Affordances for Interactive Multivariate Data Visualisation.
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2017
Design of a wearable system for 3D data acquisition and reconstruction for tree climbers.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics & Interactive Applications, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27, 2017
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 2017
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2017
Continuous Dial User Interaction to Reduce Task Complexity in Designing Physical User Interfaces in Spatial Augmented Reality.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2017
SONA: Improving Situational Awareness of Geotagged Information using Tangible Interfaces.
Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics, 2017
Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics, 2017
Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Big Data Visual Analytics, 2017
J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 2016
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2016
Proceedings of the TEI '16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, 2016
OzCHI 2016 workshop proposal: the First International Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality Innovations (MARI).
Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2016
HORUS EYE: See the Invisible Bird and Snake Vision for Augmented Reality Information Visualization.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2016
Stereoscopic Space Map - Semi-immersive Configuration of 3D-stereoscopic Tours in Multi-display Environments.
Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVII, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 Big Data Visual Analytics, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 Big Data Visual Analytics, 2016
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Workshops, 2015
Rubix: Dynamic Spatial Augmented Reality by Extraction of Plane Regions with a RGB-D Camera.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Workshops, 2015
Proceedings of the 16th Australasian User Interface Conference, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2015
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2014
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2014
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Virtual Reality, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE VIS International Workshop on 3DVis, 2014
Adding input controls and sensors to RFID tags to support dynamic tangible user interfaces.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Tangible, 2014
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 2014
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the ISWC'14, 2014
Proceedings of the Graph Drawing - 22nd International Symposium, 2014
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2014
RemoteFusion: real time depth camera fusion for remote collaboration on physical tasks.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, 2013
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 2013
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Passive Deformable Haptic glove to support 3D interactions in mobile augmented reality environments.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2013
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 2013
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2013
Poster: Spatial Augmented Reality user interface techniques for room size modeling tasks.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2013
Int. J. Virtual Real., 2012
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2012
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 2012
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2012
Merging Tangible Buttons and Spatial Augmented Reality to Support Ubiquitous Prototype Designs.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2012
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2012
Supporting Freeform Modelling in Spatial Augmented Reality Environments with a New Deformable Material.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2012
Applying spatial augmented reality to facilitate in-situ support for automotive spot welding inspection.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, 2011
An adaptive color marker for Spatial Augmented Reality environments and visual feedback.
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 2011
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2011
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2011
Glove-Based Sensor Support for Dynamic Tangible Buttons in Spatial Augmented Reality Design Environments.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2011), 2011
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2011
Proceedings of the Twelfth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2011
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2011
Quimo: A deformable material to support freeform modeling in spatial augmented reality environments.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2011
Proceedings of the Handbook of Augmented Reality, 2011
Proceedings of the Tabletops - Horizontal Interactive Displays, 2010
Proceedings of the Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems, 2010
IEEE Pervasive Comput., 2010
The future of entertainment: how play and engaging experience can contribute to the society.
Comput. Entertain., 2010
Augmented Viewport: An action at a distance technique for outdoor AR using distant and zoom lens cameras.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2010), 2010
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2010
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2010
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2010, 2010
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2010
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2009 (VR 2009), 2009
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, 2009
Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, 2009
A Comparison of Menu Configurations and Pointing Devices for Use with Wearable Computers while Mobile and Stationary.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2009), 2009
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2009), 2009
Proceedings of the Science & Technology Proceedings, 2009
Proceedings of the Science & Technology Proceedings, 2009
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2009, Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2009
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2009, Tenth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2009
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 2009
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2008
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2008 (VR 2008), 2008
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2008), September 28, 2008
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2008
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2008
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2008
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2008
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2008, Ninth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2008
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 2008
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 2008
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2008
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007, 2007
Visualizing Occluded Physical Objects in Unfamiliar Outdoor Augmented Reality Environments.
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2007
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2007, Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2007
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2007, Eighth Australasian User Interface Conference, 2007
Proceedings of the APVIS 2007, 2007
Emerging technologies of augmented reality - interfaces and design.
Idea Group Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-59904-066-0, 2007
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems (Tabletop 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems (Tabletop 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems (Tabletop 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the 2006 Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, 2006
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2006
Evaluation of Four Wearable Computer Pointing Devices for Drag and Drop Tasks when Stationary and Walking.
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2006), 2006
Evaluation of three input techniques for selection and annotation of physical objects through an augmented reality view.
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2006
Implementation of god-like interaction techniques for supporting collaboration between outdoor AR and indoor tabletop users.
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2006
Evaluation of a universal interaction and control device for use within multiple heterogeneous display ubiquitous environments.
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2006, 2006
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2006, 2006
Evaluation of user satisfaction and learnability for outdoor augmented reality gaming.
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2006, 2006
Interaction and visualisation across multiple displays in ubiquitous computing environments.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Virtual Reality, 2006
Supporting cartoon animation techniques in direct manipulation graphical user interfaces.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2005
Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2005), 2005
A Lightweight UI Software Infrastructure for Wrist-Based Displays: If Your Microwave Oven Could Talk to Your Watch, What Would It Say?
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2005, 2005
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2005, 2005
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information Visualisation, 2005
Colorplate: Integrated Head and Hand Tracking for Indoor and Outdoor Augmented Reality.
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 (VR 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2004 (VR 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2004), 31 October, 2004
Augmented Reality Working Planes: A Foundation for Action and Construction at a Distance.
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2004), 2004
A Rapidly Adaptive Collaborative Ubiquitous Computing Environment to Allow Passive Detection of Marked Objects.
Proceedings of the Computer Human Interaction, 6th Asia Pacific Conference, 2004
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 2004
Social weight: designing to minimise the social consequences arising from technology use by the mobile professional.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2003
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2003
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw., 2003
Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 2003
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the 1st Intenational Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, 2003
An interaction model for universal interaction and control in multi display environments.
Proceedings of the 1st Intenational Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, 2003
Interactive Augmented Reality Techniques for Construction at a Distance of 3D Geometry.
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology, 2003
Supporting Knowledge Management in Context-Aware and Pervasive Environments Using Event-Based Co-ordination.
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'03), 2003
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2003, 2003
Proceedings of the ACSW Frontiers 2003, 2003 ACSW Workshops, 2003
Glove Based User Interaction Techniques for Augmented Reality in an Outdoor Environment.
Virtual Real., 2002
Where Does the Mouse Go? An Investigation into the Placement of a Body-Attached TouchPad Mouse for Wearable Computers.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2002
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2002
The Tinsmith System - Demonstrating New Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Modelling.
J. Res. Pract. Inf. Technol., 2002
Tinmith-Hand: Unified User Interface Technology for Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality and Indoor Virtual Reality.
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2002, 2002
Usability and playability issues for arquake.
Proceedings of the Entertainment Computing: Technologies and Applications, 2002
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2002), 2002
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2002), 30 September, 2002
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2002, 2002
The Tinmith System - Demonstrating New Techniques for Mobile Augmented Reality Modelling.
Proceedings of the User Interfaces 2002, 2002
ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact., 2001
Tinmith-Metro: New Outdoor Techniques for Creating City Models with an Augmented Reality Wearable Computer.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2001), 2001
Tinmith-evo5 -- An Architecture for Supporting Mobile Augmented Reality Environments.
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Augmented Reality (ISAR 2001), 2001
Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2001), 29 January, 2001
Proceedings of the Australasian Symposium on Information Visualisation, 2001
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2000), 2000
Proceedings of the 1st Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2000), 31 January, 2000
An architecture for outdoor wearable computers to support augmented reality and multimedia applications.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, 1999
Determination of Placement of a Body-Attached Mouse as a Pointing Input Device for Wearable Computers.
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 1999), 1999
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE and ACM International Workshop on Augmented Reality, 1999
Interactive animation for visualisation of mapping of parallel programs into parallel processors.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, 1998
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 1998), 1998
Proceedings of the Third Asian Pacific Computer and Human Interaction, 1998
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 1997), 1997
Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 1995
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction, 5th International Conference, 1995