Brian F. G. Katz

Orcid: 0000-0001-5118-0943

According to our database1, Brian F. G. Katz authored at least 47 papers between 1998 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



The Past Has Ears at Notre-Dame: Acoustic digital twins for research and narration.
Digit. Appl. Archaeol. Cult. Heritage, 2024

Beneath the Louvre Pyramid: Immersive Auralisation Workflow for Evaluating Potential Acoustic Treatments.
Proceedings of the Extended Reality - International Conference, 2024

The SONICOM Project: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Immersive Audio, From Personalization to Modeling [Applications Corner].
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 2022

Spatial Knowledge via Auditory Information for Blind Individuals: Spatial Cognition Studies and the Use of Audio-VR.
Sensors, 2022

Comparison of spatial and temporal interaction techniques for 3D audio trajectory authoring.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2020

Auditory displays and auditory user interfaces: art, design, science, and research.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2020

The Past Has Ears (PHE): XR Explorations of Acoustic Spaces as Cultural Heritage.
Proceedings of the Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, 2020

Distributed Signal Processing Architecture for Real-Time Convolution of 3D Audio Rendering for Mobile Applications.
Proceedings of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, 2018

Survey and implications for the design of new 3D audio production and authoring tools.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2017

Comparative study on the effect of Parameter Mapping Sonification on perceived instabilities, efficiency, and accuracy in real-time interactive exploration of noisy data streams.
Displays, 2017

Study of the impact of visual information on oral feedback subjective evaluations within virtual-reality environments.
Proceedings of the 29th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 2017

Impact of the Visual Rendering System on Subjective Auralization Assessment in VR.
Proceedings of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, 2017

EVERTims: Open source framework for real-time auralization in VR.
Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences, 2017

Advances in auditory display research.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2016

Subjective HRTF evaluations for obtaining global similarity metrics of assessors and assessees.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2016

Creation and calibration method of acoustical models for historic virtual reality auralizations.
Virtual Real., 2015

Intermodal audio-haptic intermodal display: improvement of communication and interpersonal awareness for collaborative search tasks.
Virtual Real., 2015

Inter-Laboratory Round Robin HRTF Measurement Comparison.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process., 2015

BlenderVR: Open-source framework for interactive and immersive VR.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality, 2015

On the use of subjective HRTF evaluations for creating global perceptual similarity metrics of assessors and assessees.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Auditory Display, 2015

Non-visual identification, localization, and selection of entities of interest in a 3D environment.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces, 2014

Corrigendum to "Exploration of architectural spaces by blind people using auditory virtual reality for the construction of spatial knowledge" [Int. J. Hum. Comput. Studies 72 (4) (2014) 393-407].
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2014

Exploration of architectural spaces by blind people using auditory virtual reality for the construction of spatial knowledge.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2014

Subjective evaluation of the audiovisual spatial congruence in the case of stereoscopic-3D video and Wave Field Synthesis.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2014

Intermodal Audio-Haptic Metaphor: Improvement of Target Search in Abstract Environments.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2014

Cueing multimedia search with audiovisual blur.
ACM Trans. Appl. Percept., 2013

A new validated method for improving the audiovisual spatial congruence in the case of stereoscopic-3D video and wave field synthesis.
Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Imaging, 2013

NAVIG: augmented reality guidance system for the visually impaired - Combining object localization, GNSS, and spatial audio.
Virtual Real., 2012

Audio, visual, and audio-visual egocentric distance perception by moving subjects in virtual environments.
ACM Trans. Appl. Percept., 2012

3D head-mounted antenna array architecture optimization based on the Fisher Information Matrix.
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, 2012

Tone-2 tones discrimination task comparing audio and haptics.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Games, 2012

Audio-haptic intermodal coupling for comparative search tasks.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2012

Spectral Discrimination Thresholds Comparing Audio and Haptics for Complex Stimuli.
Proceedings of the Haptic and Audio Interaction Design - 7th International Conference, 2012

Guidage attentionnel à base de flou audiovisuel pour la conception d'interfaces multimodales.
Proceedings of the Ergonomie et Interaction Homme-Machine, 2012

Design of haptic stimuli for audio-haptic concurrent coupling.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Games, 2011

Organ Augmented Reality: Audio-Graphical Augmentation of a Classical Instrument.
Int. J. Creative Interfaces Comput. Graph., 2010

Audio haptic feedbacks for an acquisition task in a multi-target context.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2010

Multisensory VR exploration for computer fluid dynamics in the CoRSAIRe project.
Virtual Real., 2009

Multisensory VR interaction for protein-docking in the <i>CoRSAIRe</i> project.
Virtual Real., 2009

The Glass Organ: Musical Instrument Augmentation for Enhanced Transparency.
Proceedings of the Smart Graphics, 9th International Symposium, SG 2009, Salamanca, 2009

The ORA Project: Audio-Visual Live Electronics and the Pipe Organ.
Proceedings of the 2009 International Computer Music Conference, 2009

Effect of Sound Source Stimuli on the Perception of Reverberation in Large Volumes.
Proceedings of the Auditory Display, 6th International Symposium, 2009

Designing an assistive device for the blind based on object localization and augmented auditory reality.
Proceedings of the 10th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2008

3D Audiovisual Rendering and Real-Time Interactive Control of Expressivity in a Talking Head.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Virtual Agents, 7th International Conference, 2007

A 3d audio-visual animated agent for expressive conversational question answering.
Proceedings of the Auditory-Visual Speech Processing 2007, 2007

US-based Method for Speech Reception Threshold Measurement in French.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2006

Measurement and Calculation of Individual Head-Related Transfer Functions Using a Boundary Element Model Including the Measurement and Effect of Skin and Hair Impedance. (Mesure et modélisation des fonctions transfert de la tête (HRTF) individuelles en utilisant la méthode des éléments frontière (BEM) avec de mesure et effet de l'impédance de la peau et des cheveux).
PhD thesis, 1998
