Brahmjit Singh
Orcid: 0000-0002-0094-6926
According to our database1,
Brahmjit Singh
authored at least 42 papers
between 2006 and 2024.
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A Fast and Efficient 191-bit Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor Using a Hybrid Karatsuba Multiplier for IoT Applications.
IEEE Access, 2024
Performance Analysis of Path Loss Models at 1.8 GHz in an Indoor/Outdoor Environment to Verify Network Capacity and Coverage.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2022
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2021
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2021
Context aware autonomous resource selection and Q-learning based power control strategy for enhanced cooperative awareness in LTE-V2V communication.
Wirel. Networks, 2020
Weighted cooperative reinforcement learning-based energy-efficient autonomous resource selection strategy for underlay D2D communication.
IET Commun., 2019
Enhanced Autonomous Resource Selection Algorithm for Cooperative Awareness in Vehicular Communication.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2019
Study of High-Performance RFIC Designs with Efficient PA Architectures for 5G Networks.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computing, 2019
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things, 2019
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2018
Joint optimization of sensing duration and detection threshold for maximizing the spectrum utilization.
Digit. Signal Process., 2018
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2017
Wirel. Networks, 2017
J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 2017
J. King Saud Univ. Comput. Inf. Sci., 2017
Safety-critical wireless sensor networks under a polyphase spreading sequences scenario.
Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci., 2017
Digit. Commun. Networks, 2016
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2015
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2015
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2015
Optimal Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Environment for Multimedia Services.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2015
Int. J. Ad Hoc Ubiquitous Comput., 2015
Network Selection Based on Weight Estimation of QoS Parameters in Heterogeneous Wireless Multimedia Networks.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2014
Vertical handoff decision in 4G wireless networks using multi attribute decision making approach.
Wirel. Networks, 2014
AntMeshNet: An Ant Colony Optimization Based Routing Approach to Wireless Mesh Networks.
Int. J. Appl. Metaheuristic Comput., 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, 2014
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2013
Reduced VHO latency using EVM measurement and ad hoc cooperation for heterogeneous ubiquitous networks.
Int. J. Inf. Commun. Technol., 2013
Soft Computing Framework for Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks: An Integrated Cost Function Approach.
CoRR, 2013
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2012
Study And Performance Evaluation Of Security-Throughput Tradeoff With Link Adaptive Encryption Scheme
CoRR, 2012
Real Time Available-Bandwidth Estimation (ABE) Algorithm Based Selection in Heterogeneous Network for WiMAX and 3G.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, 2011
An improved handover algorithm based on signal strength plus distance for interoperability in mobile cellular networks.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2007
Effect of Handover Margin on Soft Handover Performance.
Proceedings of the ISCA 20th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, 2007
Int. J. Wirel. Inf. Networks, 2006