Birgit R. Krogstie

Orcid: 0000-0002-9998-1894

According to our database1, Birgit R. Krogstie authored at least 35 papers between 2007 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Computing Students' Perceptions Towards ePortfolios for Recognition of Acquired Competencies: A Holistic Approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2024

Collaborating across Industry and Academia to support the Development of Sustainable ICT: The GoForIT initiative - Extended Abstract.
Proceedings of the Joint Proceedings of ICT4S 2023 Doctoral Symposium, 2023

Are We There Yet?: Incorporating Climate Change into CSEd.
Proceedings of the ITiCSE 2022: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Dublin, Ireland, July 8, 2022

Enhancing Computing Students' Learning Experience by Using ePortfolio for Formative Assessment.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2022

From Employable to Fully Operational: The Need for Training of Computer Science Graduates.
Int. J. Eng. Pedagog., 2021

Employability Through Imagination, Alignment, and Engagement - Students' Prospects and Change During Their First Year in Computing Education.
Proceedings of the Koli Calling '20: 20th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, 2020

Introducing sustainability in IT education: The case of a course in user-centred design.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020

Becoming Fully Operational: Employability and the Need for Training of Computer Science Graduates.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2020

Forord til NIK 2019 og UDIT 2019.
Proceedings of the 32nd Norsk Informatikkonferanse, 2019

1.5 Degrees of Separation: Computer Science Education in the Age of the Anthropocene.
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 2019

ICT-Based Challenges of Repurposing a Single-Campus Course to Multi-campus Settings: A Pragmatic Case Study.
Proceedings of the Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century, 2019

Forord til NIK 2018.
Proceedings of the 31st Norsk Informatikkonferanse, 2018

The employer perspective on employability.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2018

Forord til NIK 2017.
Proceedings of the 30th Norsk Informatikkonferanse, 2017

Forord til NIK 2016 og UDIT 2016.
Proceedings of the 29th Norsk Informatikkonferanse, 2016

Reflective Learning at the Workplace - The MIRROR Design Toolbox.
Proceedings of the Adaptive and Adaptable Learning, 2016

Considering Self-Efficacy in Reflection.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning In conjunction with the 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Adaptive and Adaptable Learning (EC-TEL 2016), 2016

Using mobile devices and apps to support reflective learning about older people with dementia.
Behav. Inf. Technol., 2015

Linking reflective learning and knowledge maturing in organizations.
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning In conjunction with the 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Scaling up learning for sustained impact (ECTEL 2013), 2013

Understanding and Supporting Reflective Learning Processes in the Workplace: The CSRL Model.
Proceedings of the Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact, 2013

Modeling computer-supported reflective learning: combining a high-level timeline view with reflection cycles and tool use.
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning In conjunction with the 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Scaling up learning for sustained impact (ECTEL 2013), 2013

Reflecting on Emotion: Design Challenges for Cooperation Technology.
Proceedings of ECTEL meets ECSCW 2013, 2013

Reflective Learning in the Workplace: The Role of Emotion.
Proceedings of the Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact, 2013

Fostering Collaborative Redesign of Work Practice: Challenges for Tools Supporting Reflection at Work.
Proceedings of the ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013

Collaborative modelling of reflection to inform the development and evaluation of work-based learning technologies.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, 2012

Computer Support for Reflective Learning in the Workplace: A Model.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2012

Tool Support for Reflection in the Workplace in the Context of Reflective Learning Cycles.
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning, 2012

Supporting Reflection in Software Development with Everyday Working Tools.
Proceedings of COOP 2010, 2010

Learning from achievement: scaffolding student projects in software engineering.
Int. J. Netw. Virtual Organisations, 2009

Using Project Wiki History to Reflect on the Project Process.
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

A Model of Retrospective Reflection in Project Based Learning Utilizing Historical Data in Collaborative Tools.
Proceedings of the Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines, 2009

Shared Timeline and Individual Experience: Supporting Retrospective Reflection in Student Software Engineering Teams.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 22nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, 2009

Power through brokering: open source community participation in software engineering student projects.
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2008), 2008

The wiki as an integrative tool in project work.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Designing Cooperative Systems, 2008

Cross-Community Collaboration and Learning in Customer-Driven Software Engineering Student Projects.
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2007), 2007
