Bernd Appel
According to our database1,
Bernd Appel
authored at least 8 papers
between 2012 and 2014.
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A Likelihood-Based Approach to Identifying Contaminated Food Products Using Sales Data: Performance and Challenges.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2014
Integration von Daten, Modellen und Tools zur Unterstützung der Expositionsabschät-zung in Lebensmittelkrisen.
Proceedings of the IT-Standards in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, 2014
Accelerating investigation of food-borne disease outbreaks using pro-active geospatial modeling of food supply chains.
Proceedings of the HealthGIS 2012, 2012
An Open-Source Community Resource for Creating, Collecting, Sharing and Applying Predictive Microbial Models (PMM-Lab).
Proceedings of the Future Security - 7th Security Research Conference, 2012
Model for the Assessment of Microbiological Risks Originating from Intentional Contaminations in Feed Chains.
Proceedings of the Future Security - 7th Security Research Conference, 2012
Exploitation of Commercial B2B Data for Risk Assessment Tasks in Foodborne Crisis Events.
Proceedings of the Future Security - 7th Security Research Conference, 2012
Proceedings of the Future Security - 7th Security Research Conference, 2012
Improving the Security of Food Chains against Natural, Accidental and Deliberate Contaminations.
Proceedings of the Future Security - 7th Security Research Conference, 2012