Berk Gonenc
According to our database1,
Berk Gonenc
authored at least 25 papers
between 2011 and 2018.
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Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2018
Towards Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation: A Motorized Force-Sensing Microneedle Integrated with a Handheld Micromanipulator.
Sensors, 2017
Toward sclera-force-based robotic assistance for safe micromanipulation in vitreoretinal surgery.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE SENSORS, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 29, 2017
Safe tissue manipulation in retinal microsurgery via motorized instruments with force sensing.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE SENSORS, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 29, 2017
Intraocular snake integrated with the steady-hand eye robot for assisted retinal microsurgery.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2017
Needle release mechanism enabling multiple insertions with an ultrasound-guided prostate brachytherapy robot.
Proceedings of the 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017
Virtual Tissue Cutting With Haptic Feedback Using a Hybrid Actuator With DC Servomotor and Magnetorheological Brake.
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., 2016
MRI-guided needle steering for targets in motion based on Fiber Bragg Grating sensors.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE SENSORS, Orlando, FL, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2016, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE SENSORS, Orlando, FL, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2016, 2016
Robot-assisted retinal vein cannulation with force-based puncture detection: Micron vs. the steady-hand eye robot.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2016
3-DOF force-sensing micro-forceps for robot-assisted membrane peeling: Intrinsic actuation force modeling.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2016
Force-based puncture detection and active position holding for assisted retinal vein cannulation.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 2015
Towards robot-assisted vitreoretinal surgery: Force-sensing micro-forceps integrated with a handheld micromanipulator.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2014
Human eye phantom for developing computer and robot-assisted epiretinal membrane peeling.
Proceedings of the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2014
Motorized force-sensing micro-forceps with tremor cancelling and controlled micro-vibrations for easier membrane peeling.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2014
A comparative study for robot assisted vitreoretinal surgery: Micron vs. the Steady-Hand Robot.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2013
Design of 3-DOF force sensing micro-forceps for robot assisted vitreoretinal surgery.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013
Preliminary evaluation of a micro-force sensing handheld robot for vitreoretinal surgery.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2012
Haptic interface with hybrid actuator for virtual needle insertion and tissue cutting.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2012
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2012
Blending algorithm for position control with a hybrid actuator made of DC servomotor and brake.
Ind. Robot, 2011
Proceedings of the IEEE World Haptics Conference, 2011