Benjamin Lindner
Orcid: 0000-0001-5617-127X
According to our database1,
Benjamin Lindner
authored at least 41 papers
between 2003 and 2025.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Effect of burst spikes on linear and nonlinear signal transmission in spiking neurons.
J. Comput. Neurosci., February, 2025
Extraction of parameters of a stochastic integrate-and-fire model with adaptation from voltage recordings.
Biol. Cybern., February, 2025
Beyond the Nobel prizes: towards new synergies between Computational Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence.
Biol. Cybern., February, 2025
Fluctuation-response relations for integrate-and-fire models with an absolute refractory period.
Biol. Cybern., April, 2024
Intra-ripple frequency accommodation in an inhibitory network model for hippocampal ripple oscillations.
PLoS Comput. Biol., February, 2024
The steady state and response to a periodic stimulation of the firing rate for a theta neuron with correlated noise.
J. Comput. Neurosci., 2023
Quantitative comparison of the mean-return-time phase and the stochastic asymptotic phase for noisy oscillators.
Biol. Cybern., 2022
Biol. Cybern., 2022
Mean-return-time phase of a stochastic oscillator provides an approximate renewal description for the associated point process.
Biol. Cybern., 2022
Interspike interval correlations in neuron models with adaptation and correlated noise.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2021
A network model of the barrel cortex combined with a differentiator detector reproduces features of the behavioral response to single-neuron stimulation.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2021
A Partial Differential Equation for the Mean-Return-Time Phase of Planar Stochastic Oscillators.
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 2020
Information filtering by coincidence detection of synchronous population output: analytical approaches to the coherence function of a two-stage neural system.
Biol. Cybern., 2020
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2019
Multiplicative noise is beneficial for the transmission of sensory signals in simple neuron models.
Biosyst., 2019
Coding of time-dependent stimuli in homogeneous and heterogeneous neural populations.
J. Comput. Neurosci., 2018
Self-Consistent Scheme for Spike-Train Power Spectra in Heterogeneous Sparse Networks.
Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., 2018
Improved lower bound for the mutual information between signal and neural spike count.
Biol. Cybern., 2018
Exact analytical results for integrate-and-fire neurons driven by excitatory shot noise.
J. Comput. Neurosci., 2017
IEEE Trans. Mol. Biol. Multi Scale Commun., 2016
Editorial: Neuronal Stochastic Variability: Influences on Spiking Dynamics and Network Activity.
Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., 2016
Interspike interval correlation in a stochastic exponential integrate-and-fire model with subthreshold and spike-triggered adaptation.
J. Comput. Neurosci., 2015
J. Comput. Neurosci., 2015
Statistical structure of neural spiking under non-Poissonian or other non-white stimulation.
J. Comput. Neurosci., 2015
Self-consistent determination of the spike-train power spectrum in a neural network with sparse connectivity.
Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., 2014
Biol. Cybern., 2014
Characteristic Effects of Stochastic Oscillatory Forcing on Neural Firing: Analytical Theory and Comparison to Paddlefish Electroreceptor Data.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2013
J. Comput. Neurosci., 2013
Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., 2013
Interplay of two signals in a neuron with heterogeneous synaptic short-term plasticity.
Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., 2013
Sassena - X-ray and neutron scattering calculated from molecular dynamics trajectories using massively parallel computers.
Comput. Phys. Commun., 2012
How Noisy Adaptation of Neurons Shapes Interspike Interval Histograms and Correlations.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2010
Mean, Variance, and Autocorrelation of Subthreshold Potential Fluctuations Driven by Filtered Conductance Shot Noise.
Neural Comput., 2010
Comment on "Characterization of Subthreshold Voltage Fluctuations in Neuronal Membranes, " by M. Rudolph and A. Destexhe.
Neural Comput., 2006
Analytic Expressions for Rate and CV of a Type I Neuron Driven by White Gaussian Noise.
Neural Comput., 2003