Bengt Jonsson
Orcid: 0000-0001-7897-601XAffiliations:
- Uppsala University, Sweden
According to our database1,
Bengt Jonsson
authored at least 147 papers
between 1985 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Proceedings of the Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2024
SMBugFinder: An Automated Framework for Testing Protocol Implementations for State Machine Bugs.
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2024
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification - 36th International Conference, 2024
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 2024
Proceedings of the Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 21st International Conference, 2023
Automata-Based Automated Detection of State Machine Bugs in Protocol Implementations.
Proceedings of the 30th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 2023
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 2023
Proceedings of the Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 2023
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2022
Applying Symbolic Execution to Test Implementations of a Network Protocol Against its Specification.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2022
Awaiting for Godot: Stateless Model Checking that Avoids Executions where Nothing Happens.
Proceedings of the 22nd Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 2022
Proceedings of the Principles of Systems Design, 2022
Correction to: An integrated specification and verification technique for highly concurrent data structures.
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 2021
Proceedings of the 29th USENIX Security Symposium, 2020
Optimal Stateless Model Checking for Reads-From Equivalence under Sequential Consistency.
Dataset, October, 2019
Proceedings of the Computing and Software Science - State of the Art and Perspectives, 2019
Exposing Inter-process Information for Efficient PDES of Spatial Stochastic Systems on Multicores.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2019
Optimal stateless model checking for reads-from equivalence under sequential consistency.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2019
Proceedings of the Networked Systems - 7th International Conference, 2019
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2018
Proceedings of the Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, 2018
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 2018
Proceedings of the Machine Learning for Dynamic Software Analysis: Potentials and Limits, 2018
An integrated specification and verification technique for highly concurrent data structures.
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 2017
Exposing Inter-Process Information for Efficient Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Spatial Stochastic Systems.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, 2017
Proceedings of the Models, Algorithms, Logics and Tools, 2017
Verification of heap manipulating programs with ordered data by extended forest automata.
Acta Informatica, 2016
Proceedings of the Static Analysis - 23rd International Symposium, 2016
Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, 2016
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification - 28th International Conference, 2016
J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program., 2015
Generating models of infinite-state communication protocols using regular inference with abstraction.
Formal Methods Syst. Des., 2015
Efficient Inter-Process Synchronization for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation on Multicores.
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on SIGSIM-Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, London, United Kingdom, June 10, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, 2015
Proceedings of the Correct System Design, 2015
Sci. Comput. Program., 2014
A Constraint Programming Approach for Managing End-to-end Requirements in Sensor Network Macroprogramming.
Proceedings of the SENSORNETS 2014 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks, Lisbon, Portugal, 7, 2014
Proceedings of the Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 12th International Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the 41st Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, 2014
Proceedings of the Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 11th International Conference, 2013
Proceedings of the Principles of Distributed Systems - 17th International Conference, 2013
Formal Aspects Comput., 2012
Proceedings of the Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 2012
Proceedings of the Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2012
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change, 2012
Proceedings of the Formal Aspects of Component Software, 9th International Symposium, 2012
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 2012
A Succinct Canonical Register Automaton Model for Data Domains with Binary Relations.
Proceedings of the Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 2012
Proceedings of the Formal Methods for Eternal Networked Software Systems, 2011
Generating Models of Infinite-State Communication Protocols Using Regular Inference with Abstraction.
Proceedings of the Testing Software and Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, 2010
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, 2010
10051 Executive Summary - Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Network Protocols.
Proceedings of the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Network Protocols, 31.01., 2010
10051 Abstracts Collection - Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Network Protocols.
Proceedings of the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Network Protocols, 31.01., 2010
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, 2009
State-space exploration for concurrent algorithms under weak memory orderings: (preliminary version).
SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News, 2008
Proceedings of the Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2008
Proceedings of the Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2008
Proceedings of the 8th ACM & IEEE International conference on Embedded software, 2008
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 19th International Conference, 2007
Proceedings of the Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2006
Proceedings of the CONCUR 2006 - Concurrency Theory, 17th International Conference, 2006
Proceedings of the CONCUR 2006 - Concurrency Theory, 17th International Conference, 2006
Proceedings of the Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2005
Formal Methods Syst. Des., 2004
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, 2004
Proceedings of the Formal Approaches to Software Testing, 4th International Workshop, 2004
Proceedings of the Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems, 2004
Proceedings of the CONCUR 2004 - Concurrency Theory, 15th International Conference, London, UK, August 31, 2004
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2003
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 2003
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Verification and Validation, 2003
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Erlang, Uppsala, Sweden, August 29, 2003, 2003
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 15th International Conference, 2003
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2002
Proceedings of the Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, 2002
Proceedings of the Embedded Software, Second International Conference, 2002
Proceedings of the CONCUR 2002, 2002
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 14th International Conference, 2002
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2001
Incremental Requirement Specification for Evolving Systems.
Nord. J. Comput., 2001
Proceedings of the CONCUR 2001, 2001
Proceedings of the Handbook of Process Algebra, 2001
Proceedings of the Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2000
Proceedings of the SPIN Model Checking and Software Verification, 7th International SPIN Workshop, Stanford, CA, USA, August 30, 2000
Proceedings of the CONCUR 2000, 2000
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 12th International Conference, 2000
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 12th International Conference, 2000
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 11th International Conference, 1999
Proceedings of the Correct System Design, 1999
Proceedings of the Formal Methods for Real-Time and Probabilistic Systems, 1999
Proceedings of the Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems, 1998
Proceedings of the CONCUR '98: Concurrency Theory, 1998
A General Approach to Partial Order Reductions in Symbolic Verification (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 10th International Conference, 1998
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 10th International Conference, 1998
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1996
Inf. Comput., 1996
Proceedings of the Proceedings, 1996
Guest Editors Foreword.
Nord. J. Comput., 1995
Assumption/Guarantee Specifications in Linear-Time Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the TAPSOFT'95: Theory and Practice of Software Development, 1995
Proceedings of the Proceedings, 1995
Proceedings of the Computer Aided Verification, 1995
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 1994
Distributed Comput., 1994
Proceedings of the Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Third International Symposium Organized Jointly with the Working Group Provably Correct Systems, 1994
Decidability of Timed Language-Inclusion for Networks of Real-Time Communicating Sequential Processes.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 1994
Using temporal logic for modular specification of telephone services.
Proceedings of the Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Systems, 1994
Proceedings of the Formal Systems Specification, 1994
Inf. Comput., December, 1993
Indeterminate Concurrent Constraint Programming: A Fixpoint Semantics for Non-Terminating Computations.
Proceedings of the Logic Programming, 1993
Validating Simulations Between Large Nondeterministic Specifications.
Proceedings of the Formal Description Techniques, VI, Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Sixth International Conference on Formal Description Techniques, 1993
Proceedings of the TAPSOFT'91: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, 1991
Proceedings of the TAPSOFT'91: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, 1991
Proceedings of the Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, 1991
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '91), 1991
Specification and Validation of a Simple Overtaking Protokol using LOTOS.
Proceedings of the Formal Description Techniques, 1991
Proceedings of the CONCUR '91, 1991
Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1990
Proceedings of the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1990, 1990
Proceedings of the CONCUR '90, 1990
Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1989
Proceedings of the Stepwise Refinement of Distributed Systems, 1989
Proceedings of the Conference Record of the Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1989
Proceedings of the PARLE '89: Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, 1989
Specification for Verification.
Proceedings of the Formal Description Techniques, 1989
Proceedings of the Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems, 1989
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1987
Towards Deductive Synthesis of Dataflow Networks
Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '86), 1986
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1985