Bei Hu

Orcid: 0000-0002-1602-845X

According to our database1, Bei Hu authored at least 31 papers between 2002 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Optimized Power Control for Privacy-Preserving Over-the-Air Federated Edge Learning With Device Sampling.
IEEE Internet Things J., September, 2024

Periodic solution for a free boundary problem modeling small plaques.
Commun. Inf. Syst., 2023

Preface of special issue dedicated to Professor Avner Friedman's 90th birthday.
Commun. Inf. Syst., 2023

Linear Stability Analysis for a Free Boundary Problem Modeling Multilayer Tumor Growth with Time Delay.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2022

Collision avoidance of USV by model predictive control-aided deep reinforcement learning.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2022

Two neural-network-based methods for solving obstacle problems.
CoRR, 2021

Convergence analysis of neural networks for solving a free boundary problem.
Comput. Math. Appl., 2021

Convergence analysis of neural networks for solving a free boundary system.
CoRR, 2020

Comprehensive improvement of artificial fish swarm algorithm for global MPPT in PV system under partial shading conditions.
Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 2018

Convergence Rate of an Explicit Finite Difference Scheme for a Credit Rating Migration Problem.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2018

Convergence of boundary integral method for a free boundary system.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2018

An improved artificial fish swarm algorithm optimized by particle swarm optimization algorithm with extended memory.
Kybernetes, 2016

A bootstrapping approach for computing multiple solutions of differential equations.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2014

The Diffusion Approximation for Linear Nonautonomous Reaction-Hyperbolic Equations.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2013

Cell Cycle Control and Bifurcation for a Free Boundary Problem Modeling Tissue Growth.
J. Sci. Comput., 2013

Computing steady-state solutions for a free boundary problem modeling tumor growth by Stokes equation.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2013

Continuation Along Bifurcation Branches for a Tumor Model with a Necrotic Core.
J. Sci. Comput., 2012

Detection of concentric ellipses with the same orientation.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2012

A three-dimensional steady-state tumor system.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2011

Analysis of a Mathematical Model of Ischemic Cutaneous Wounds.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2010

Optimal Convergence Rate of the Binomial Tree Scheme for American Options with Jump Diffusion and Their Free Boundaries.
SIAM J. Financial Math., 2010

Research on the Industrial Cluster Incubation System for Entrepreneurial Activities: the Construction and Functions.
J. Digit. Content Technol. its Appl., 2010

Research about the entrepreneurial behavior "intermittent point" based on the entrepreneurial incubation chain: A theoretical analysis framework.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences (ICIS 2010), 2010

Empirical Study of Knowledge Fusion Process within Chinese High-Tech Industry Clusters Based on Information Fusion Method.
J. Inf. Knowl. Manag., 2009

An Empirical Analysis on the Peasant Entrepreneurs Influence on the Industrial Cluster in Rural China.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, 2009

Research about the Magnetic Effect of the Industrial Cluster on Talent.
Proceedings of the NCM 2008, The Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, Gyeongju, Korea, September 2-4, 2008, 2008

Bifurcation for a Free Boundary Problem Modeling Tumor Growth by Stokes Equation.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2007

On the rate of convergence of the binomial tree scheme for American options.
Numerische Mathematik, 2007

Analyticity of Dirichlet-Neumann Operators on Hölder and Lipschitz Domains.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2005

Toward infinite-horizon optimality in nonlinear model predictive control.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 2002

Mathematical Analysis of a Model for the Initiation of Angiogenesis.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 2002
