Bart Steyaert
According to our database1,
Bart Steyaert
authored at least 68 papers
between 1993 and 2020.
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System occupancy in a multiclass batch-service queueing system with limited variable service capacity.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2020
Analysis of a batch-service queue with variable service capacity, correlated customer types and generally distributed class-dependent service times.
Perform. Evaluation, 2019
Delay analysis of a two-class batch-service queue with class-dependent variable server capacity.
Math. Methods Oper. Res., 2018
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Open Innovations Association, 2018
Characterisation of the output process of a discrete-time GI/D/1 queue, and its application to network performance.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2017
System Performance Of A Variable-Capacity Batch-Service Queue With Geometric Service Times And Customer-Based Correlation.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2017
Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 2016
The impact of a global FCFS service discipline in a two-class queue with dedicated servers.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2016
Ann. Oper. Res., 2016
Proceedings of the Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, 2016
System Occupancy of a Two-Class Batch-Service Queue with Class-Dependent Variable Server Capacity.
Proceedings of the Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, 2016
Applicability of a static model in a dynamic context in group-screening decision making.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2014
Stability Analysis and Simulation of n-class retrial System with Constant retrial rates and Poisson inputs.
Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res., 2014
Proceedings of the Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, 2014
Analysis of a versatile batch-service queueing model with correlation in the arrival process.
Perform. Evaluation, 2013
Tail probabilities of the delay in a batch-service queueing model with batch-size dependent service times and a timer mechanism.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2013
Ann. Oper. Res., 2013
Effect of global FCFS and relative load distribution in two-class queues with dedicated servers.
4OR, 2013
Multim. Tools Appl., 2012
A two-class discrete-time queueing model with two dedicated servers and global FCFS service discipline.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2012
Comput. Oper. Res., 2012
Impact of Blocking When Customers of Different Classes Are Accommodated in One Common Queue.
Proceedings of the ICORES 2012, 2012
Proceedings of the Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications, 2012
A decomposition result for single server discrete-time queues with generalized vacations.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, 2011
A Two-Class Continuous-Time Queueing Model with Dedicated Servers and Global FCFS Service Discipline.
Proceedings of the Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications, 2011
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, 2010
Proceedings of the Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications, 2010
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2008
Ann. Oper. Res., 2008
Proceedings of the Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications, 2008
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2007. Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, 2007
Telecommun. Syst., 2006
Ann. Oper. Res., 2006
Telecommun. Syst., 2005
Proceedings of the Networking, 2005
An Analytical Approach to Obtain the Interdeparture Time Characteristics in a Multistage VoIP Network.
Telecommun. Syst., 2004
Discrete-time queues with generally distributed service times and renewal-type server interruptions.
Perform. Evaluation, 2004
Performance analysis of a GI-Geo-1 buffer with a preemptive resume priority scheduling discipline.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2004
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2004, 2004
Comput. Oper. Res., 2003
Comput. Oper. Res., 2003
Delay characteristics in discrete-time GI-G-1 queues with non-preemptive priority queueing discipline.
Perform. Evaluation, 2002
Ann. Oper. Res., 2002
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2002, 2002
Comput. Oper. Res., 2001
Comput. Oper. Res., 2001
Perform. Evaluation, 2000
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2000, 2000
An Accurate Closed-Form Formula to Calculate the Dejittering Delay in Packetised Voice Transport.
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2000, 2000
Telecommun. Syst., 1999
An efficient solution technique for discrete-time queues fed by heterogeneous traffic.
Int. J. Commun. Syst., 1997
Int. J. Commun. Syst., 1997
Proceedings of the Second IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 1997), 1997
Deriving Delay Characteristics from Queue Length Statistics in Discrete-Time Queues with Multiple Servers.
Perform. Evaluation, 1996
Analysis of a Discrete-Time Queue with General Three-State Markovian Traffic Sources.
Perform. Evaluation, 1996
Storage Requirements in ATM Switching Elements with Correlated Arrivals and Independent Uniform Routing.
Perform. Evaluation, 1996
On the performance of multiplexers with three-state bursty sources: analytical results.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 1995
Buffer requirements in ATM-related queueing models with bursty traffic: an alternative approach.
Proceedings of the Data Communications and their Performance, 1995
An ATM Statistical Multiplexer with On/Off Sources and Spacing: Numerical and Analytical Performance Studies.
Perform. Evaluation, 1994
Accurate approximation of the cell loss ratio in ATM buffers with multiple servers.
Proceedings of the ATM Networks, 1994
End-to-End Delays in Multistage ATM Switching Networks: Approximate Analytic Derivation of Tail Probabilities.
Comput. Networks ISDN Syst., 1993
A General Relationship between Buffer Occupance and Delay in Discrete-Time Multiserver Queueing Models, Applicable in ATM Networks.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '93, The Conference on Computer Communications, Twelfth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, Networking: Foundation for the Future, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 28, 1993
Performance Analysis of an ATM Switching Node with Three-State Markovian Traffic Generators and Random Spacing.
Proceedings of the High Speed Networks and Their Performance, 1993
Analysis of ATM Switching Modules with Channel Grouping in a Bursty-Source Environment.
Proceedings of the Integrated Broadband Communication Networks and Services, 1993