DNA-LSIED: DNA lossy storage for images by encryption and corrective denoising method.
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Multi-file dynamic compression method based on classification algorithm in DNA storage.
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Deep-Cloud: A Deep Neural Network-Based Approach for Analyzing Differentially Expressed Genes of RNA-seq Data.
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Exploration of whole genome amplification generated chimeric sequences in long-read sequencing data.
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MineProt: a stand-alone server for structural proteome curation.
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Constructing the boundary between potent and ineffective siRNAs by MG-algorithm with C-features.
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BENviewer: a gene interaction network visualization server based on graph embedding model.
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Recent advances and application in whole-genome multiple displacement amplification.
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Analyzing the similarity of samples and genes by MG-PCC algorithm, t-SNE-SS and t-SNE-SG maps.
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Dominant Isoform in Alternative Splicing in HeLa S3 Cell Line Revealed by Single-cell RNA-seq.
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Temporally Regularized Filters for Common Spatial Patterns by Preserving Locally Linear Structure of EEG Trials.
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Single-molecule detection of proteins passing through solid state nanopores.
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A comprehensive study of multiple mapping and feature selection for correction strategy in the analysis of small RNAs from SOLiD sequencing.
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Evaluating the strength of functional connectivity during the resting state.
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Predictive models for autism spectrum disorder based on multiple cortical features.
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Predictive models of autism spectrum disorder based on brain regional cortical thickness.
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Global expression analysis of miRNA gene cluster and family based on isomiRs from deep sequencing data.
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Comparability of gene expression in human blood, immune and carcinoma cells.
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Detecting Effective Connectivity in Human Brain using Granger Causality.
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Brain gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Detection with Improved Selectivity by Double Quantum Filter Technique.
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Independent Component Analysis of Event-related Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS).
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MiPred: classification of real and pseudo microRNA precursors using random forest prediction model with combined features.
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Support vector machine for classification of meiotic recombination hotspots and coldspots in Saccharomyces cerevisiaebased on codon composition.
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