Trace Representation and Linear Complexity of Binary eth Power Residue Sequences of Period p.
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A trace representation of binary Jacobi sequences.
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Levels of multi-continued fraction expansion of multi-formal Laurent series.
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On optimal simultaneous rational approximation to (omega, omega<sup>2</sup>)<sup>tau</sup> with omega being some kind of cubic algebraic function.
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Classification and counting on multi-continued fractions and its application to multi-sequences.
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Multi-continued fraction algorithm and generalized B-M algorithm over F<sub>q</sub>.
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Implementation of Multi-continued Fraction Algorithm and Application to Multi-sequence Linear Synthesis.
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Multi-Continued Fraction Algorithms and Their Applications to Sequences.
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Multi-sequences with <i>d</i>-perfect property.
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Asymptotic Behavior of Normalized Linear Complexity of Ultimately Nonperiodic Binary Sequences.
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Multi-sequences with d-perfect property.
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Expected Value of the Linear Complexity of Two-Dimensional Binary Sequences.
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Asymptotic Behavior of Normalized Linear Complexity of Multi-sequences.
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Multi-continued Fraction Algorithm and Generalized B-M Algorithm over F<sub>2</sub>.
Proceedings of the Sequences and Their Applications, 2004

Multisequences with d-perfect property.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2004

Asymptotic behavior of normalized linear complexity of ultimately non-periodic binary sequences.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2004

On Linear Complexity of Kronecker Sequences.
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On interleaved sequences over finite fields.
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Cryptanalysis on AW digital signature scheme based on error-correcting codes.
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Decomposing Attacks on Asymmetric Cryptography Based on Mapping Compositions.
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On the Linear Complexity of Generalised Legendre Sequence.
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Attacks on Two Digital Signature Schemes Based on Error Correcting Codes.
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Linear complexity of a sequence obtained from a periodic sequence by either substituting, inserting, or deleting kappa; symbols within one period.
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Enumeration and criteria for cyclically shift-distinct GMW sequences.
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Cyclic inequivalence of cascaded GMW-sequences.
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Generating all linear orthomorphisms without repetition.
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Cryptanalysis of "2 R" Schemes.
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Linear Complexity for One-Symbol Substitution of a Periodic Sequence over GF(q).
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Notes on q-ary Interleaved Sequences.
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Weak Invertibiity of Finite Automata and Cryptanalysis on FAPKC.
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Some Cryptographic Properties of Exponential Functions.
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Nonlinear feedforward sequences of m-sequences I.
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Binary Sequences Derived from ML-Sequences over Rings, I: Periods of Minimal Polynomials.
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Construction of m-ary de Bruijn Sequences (Extendet abstract).
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Linear Complexity of Periodically Repeated Random Sequences.
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On Binary Sequences from Recursions modulo 2<sup>e</sup> Made Non-Linear by the Bit-by-Bit XOR Function.
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The Data Base of Selected Permutations (Extended Abstract).
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Lower Bounds for the Linear Complexity of Sequences over Residue Rings.
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Continued Fractions and the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm.
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Feedforward Functions Defined By de Bruijn Sequences.
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On the Complexity of Pseudo-Random Sequences - Or: If You Can Describe a Sequence It Can't be Random.
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