Multi-Task Learning with Sequential Dependence Toward Industrial Applications: A Systematic Formulation.
ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, June, 2024
Information Communication Technology (ICT) use among PLHIV in China: A promising but underutilized venue for HIV prevention and care.
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From Online Behaviors to Offline Retailing.
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Discerning Tactical Patterns for Professional Soccer Teams: An Enhanced Topic Model with Applications.
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Combining supervised and unsupervised models via unconstrained probabilistic embedding.
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A Self-Supervised Framework for Clustering Ensemble.
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Local and Global Discriminative Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection.
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Mining Distinction and Commonality across Multiple Domains Using Generative Model for Text Classification.
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Towards a Robust Framework of Network Coordinate Systems.
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Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Models via Unconstrained Probabilistic Embedding.
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Topic Modeling Ensembles.
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Interval-valued Matrix Factorization with Applications.
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Regularized Local Reconstruction for Clustering.
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Topic Modeling for Sequences of Temporal Activities.
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