An enhanced structural developmental neural network with information saturation for continual unsupervised learning.
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A dynamic core evolutionary clustering algorithm based on saturated memory.
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A structural developmental neural network with information saturation for continual unsupervised learning.
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Research on 5G Based Artificial Intelligence Technology and Its Development Trend.
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An evolutionary adaptive clustering algorithm.
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DRPEC: An Evolutionary Clustering Algorithm Based on Dynamic Representative Points.
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A Multi-channel Anti-collision Algorithm in Multi-reader RFID Networks.
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Design of 'Floating, Medium and Sinking' Pressure Simulation System for Remote Reduction of Pulse Condition in TCM.
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An Alarm System Based on BP Neural Network Algorithm for the Detection of Falls to Elderly Person.
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3D character recognition using binocular camera for medical assist.
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Robust visual tracking using adaptive local appearance model for smart transportation.
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Local Stereo Matching Based on Support Weight With Motion Flow for Dynamic Scene.
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A novel multivariate performance optimization method based on sparse coding and hyper-predictor learning.
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Multiview image rectification algorithm for parallel camera arrays.
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A multi-view image rectification algorithm for matrix camera arrangement.
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Self-converging camera arrays: Models and realization.
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Fast-Forward Functions on Parallel Video Servers.
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