Automatic Modulation Classification in Impulsive Noise: Log-Domain 3-D Constellation Diagrams and Multiscale Dual-Convolutional 3DCNN.
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IGDM: An Information Geometric Difference Mapping Method for Signal Detection in Non-Gaussian Alpha-Stable Distributed Noise.
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Soybean Leaf Segmentation and Area Estimation Based on Extreme Points.
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Transient Electromagnetic Weak Signal Extraction Method Based on Multi-Scale Combined Difference Product Morphological Filtering.
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Rotor UAV's Micro-Doppler Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation Based on FRFT-FSST.
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Secure transmission for wireless collaborative systems based on second-order channel statistics.
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Cubature Information Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Approach for Multi Extended Target Tracking.
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Increased neural responses to unfairness in a loss context.
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Fast autofocus of microscopy images based on Depth-from-Defocus.
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Three-Dimensional Tracking at Micro-scale Using a Single Optical Microscope.
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