Online Change-Point Detection in Sparse Time Series With Application to Online Advertising.
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A Deep Learning Approach to Competing Risks Representation in Peer-to-Peer Lending.
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Regret Analysis of Causal Bandit Problems.
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User Response Driven Content Understanding with Causal Inference.
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Deep Neural Net with Attention for Multi-channel Multi-touch Attribution.
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Dynamic Hierarchical Empirical Bayes: A Predictive Model Applied to Online Advertising.
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A Blended Deep Learning Approach for Predicting User Intended Actions.
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GPOP: Scalable Group-level Popularity Prediction for Online Content in Social Networks.
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Collaborated Online Change-Point Detection in Sparse Time Series for Online Advertising.
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Comparison and Selection of objective Functions in multiobjective Community Detection.
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On selection of objective functions in multi-objective community detection.
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Multi-objective decisionmaking in the detection of comprehensive community structures.
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Cross-classified hierarchical Bayesian models for risk-based analysis of complex systems under sparse data.
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Strategies for adaptive smoothing and rebuffering via dynamic network calculus.
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A fast multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on a tree structure.
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A Genetic Algorithm for Detecting Communities in Large-Scale Complex Networks.
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A Comparison of Objective Functions in Network Community Detection.
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A multi-objective approach for community detection in complex network.
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Multiobjective Resource Allocation Framework for Risk Management of Large-scale Hierarchical Systems.
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Risk Analysis in Interdependent Infrastructures.
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Exploiting the Marginal Profits of Constraints with Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques.
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A New MOEA for Multi-objective TSP and Its Convergence Property Analysis.
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Solving dynamic TSP with evolutionary approach in real time.
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Guiding genetic operators with immunology principle: a case study in TSP.
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