A novel scenic spots assessment and recommendation method based on network attention: augmented mining model using probabilistic linguistic term set combined with VIKOR.
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Machine Learning Model-Based Retrieval of Temperature and Relative Humidity Profiles Measured by Microwave Radiometer.
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Exploring the destination image based on the perspective of tourists' expression using machine learning methods combined with PLTS-PT.
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Exploring destination image through online reviews: an augmented mining model using latent Dirichlet allocation combined with probabilistic hesitant fuzzy algorithm.
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Exploring energy-saving refrigerators through online e-commerce reviews: an augmented mining model based on machine learning methods.
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Nested information representation of multi-dimensional decision: An improved PROMETHEE method based on NPLTSs.
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Tourism Attraction Selection with Sentiment Analysis of Online Reviews Based on Probabilistic Linguistic Term Sets and the IDOCRIW-COCOSO Model.
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Evaluating Water Use Efficiency in China's Western Provinces Based on a Slacks-Based Measure (SBM)-Undesirable Window Model and a Malmquist Productivity Index.
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A new weighted CEEMDAN-based prediction model: An experimental investigation of decomposition and non-decomposition approaches.
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A weighted EMD-based prediction model based on TOPSIS and feed forward neural network for noised time series.
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Dynamic incomplete uninorm trust propagation and aggregation methods in social network.
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Measuring decarbonated development of tourist attractions associated with ecological environment and tourism economy.
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Some programming models to derive priority weights from additive interval fuzzy preference relation.
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