A spatiotemporal framework for the joint risk assessments of urban flood and urban heat island.
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Embedded Optical Waveguide Sensors for Dynamic Behavior Monitoring in Twisted-Beam Structures.
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Tunable Dynamic Walking via Soft Twisted Beam Vibration.
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Bone age assessment based on deep neural networks with annotation-free cascaded critical bone region extraction.
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Tactile street intersection maps for people with visual impairments: exploring the tactile map design and visualizing finger movements to analyze the map reading process. (Cartes tactiles des carrefours pour les personnes ayant des déficiences visuelles: exploration de la conception de la carte tactile et visualisation des mouvements des doigts pour analyser le processus de lecture de la carte).
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Neural MMO 2.0: A Massively Multi-task Addition to Massively Multi-agent Learning.
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Rethinking Class Activation Maps for Segmentation: Revealing Semantic Information in Shallow Layers by Reducing Noise.
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Neural MMO 2.0: A Massively Multi-task Addition to Massively Multi-agent Learning.
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Semi-automated Pipeline to Produce Customizable Tactile Maps of Street Intersections for People with Visual Impairments.
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Driving Climatic Factors at Critical Plant Developmental Stages for Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Alpine Grassland Productivity.
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Compensating for Material Deformation in Foldable Robots via Deep Learning - A Case Study.
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Reconfigurable Curved Beams for Selectable Swimming Gaits in an Underwater Robot.
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Shape Change Propagation Through Soft Curved Materials for Dynamically-Tuned Paddling Robots.
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Reconfigurable Soft Flexure Hinges via Pinched Tubes.
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