Secure Routing Strategy Based on Attribute-Based Trust Access Control in Social-Aware Networks.
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A recommendation model for college majors based on deep learning and clustering algorithms.
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Electricity Theft Detection in Smart Grids Based on Omni-Scale CNN and AutoXGB.
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Research and design of student archives management system based on consortium blockchain.
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Subspace Identification of Closed-Loop EIV System Based on Instrumental Variables Using Orthoprojection.
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A novel Bayesian learning method for information aggregation in modular neural networks.
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Research on the Multi-sensors Information Fusion Technique Based on the Neural Networks and its Application.
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Design on the Fault Diagnostic System Based on Virtual Instrument Technique.
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Least Squares Support Vector Machines Based on Support Vector Degrees.
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Least Squares Support Vector Machine Based Partially Linear Model Identification.
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Sequential Bayesian Learning for Modular Neural Networks.
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