Universal Attack Against Automatic Modulation Classification DNNs Under Frequency and Data Constraints.
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Joint UAV deployment, SF placement, and collaborative task scheduling in heterogeneous multi-UAV-empowered edge intelligence.
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Patch and Cluster-based Domain Adaptation for Person Re-identification.
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Wireless edge caching based on content similarity in dynamic environments.
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A Path-Based Equivalence Checking Method Between System Level and RTL Descriptions Using Machine Learning.
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A Novel Dual Quaternion Based Dynamic Motion Primitives for Acrobatic Flight.
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Architecture and Security Analysis of Federated Learning-Based Automatic Modulation Classification.
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Multi-thread Simulation-based Equivalence Checking between SIM and RTI.
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Formal Verification of GCSE in the Scheduling of High-level Synthesis: Work-in-Progress.
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Validating GCSE in the scheduling of high-level synthesis.
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A Jammer Deployment Method for Multi-hop Wireless Network Based on Degree Distribution.
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