Cross-border M&As and the export green-technological sophistication: evidence from China.
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Ultra-low noise microwave photonic oscillator using free running Kerr soliton microcomb with inhibited Raman scattering and dispersive wave emission.
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Linking Physical Objects to Their Digital Twins via Fiducial Markers Designed for Invisibility to Humans.
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Coherent optical communications using coherence-cloned Kerr soliton microcombs as carriers and local oscillators.
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Deterministic Soliton Burst in Microresonators Triggered by Amplitude Modulated Pump Laser.
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Security in the shell: An optical physical unclonable function made of shells of cholesteric liquid crystals.
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Multilevel power transfer function characterization of nonlinear optical loop mirror.
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Multilevel Amplitude Regeneration of PAM-4 Signals using a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror.
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Eco-efficiency based green supply chain management: Current status and opportunities.
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Determining optimal resource recycling boundary at regional level: A case study on Tokyo Metropolitan Area in Japan.
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Simulation analysis and design on the structure of electromagnetic dumping device.
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Integrated model of hot spring service quality perceptions under uncertainty.
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A Robust Optimization Model for Workforce Capacity Planning Problem with Turnover in Express Companies.
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