Floating on the Boundary: Perceptions of Reality in a Half-Digital Half-Physical Bunny.
Proc. ACM Comput. Graph. Interact. Tech., July, 2024
HaptStarter: Designing haptic stimulus start system for deaf and hard of hearing sprinters.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., February, 2024
See-Through Face Display: Mutual Gaze Communication in Remote Conversations with Transparent Display.
CoRR, 2024
Generative Artificial Intelligence-Guided User Studies: An Application for Air Taxi Services.
CoRR, 2024
Expanding Horizons in HCI Research Through LLM-Driven Qualitative Analysis.
CoRR, 2024
A systematic review of digital transformation technologies in museum exhibition.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2024
Can AI Generated Ambrotype Chain the Aura of Alternative Process?
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Art Papers, 2024
See-Through Face Display: Enabling Gaze Communication for Any Face - Human or AI.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Technical Communications, 2024
Dynamic Acousto-Caustics in Dual-Optimized Holographic Fields.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Emerging Technologies, 2024
Documentary Film of Low Vision Boxing: Collaborative Design of Adaptive Kickboxing Experiences.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
HIFU Embossment of Acrylic Sheets.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
Low Vision Boxing: Participatory Design of Adaptive Kickboxing Experiences with Low Vision Person.
Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2024
Establishing a Community-Driven Digital Library for the Visually Impaired.
Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2024
A bibliometric analysis of immersive technology in museum exhibitions: exploring user experience.
Frontiers Virtual Real., March, 2023
Lottery and Sprint: Generate a Board Game with Design Sprint Method on Auto-GPT.
CoRR, 2023
Dance Generation by Sound Symbolic Words.
CoRR, 2023
Towards Digital Nature: Bridging the Gap between Turing Machine Objects and Linguistic Objects in LLMMs for Universal Interaction of Object-Oriented Descriptions.
CoRR, 2023
SHITARA: Sending Haptic Induced Touchable Alarm by Ring-shaped Air vortex.
CoRR, 2023
Alternative Photographic Processes Reimagined: The Role of Digital Technology in Revitalizing Classic Printing Techniques.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Art Papers, 2023
Ultrasonic Embossment of Acrylic Sheets with Transparency Control.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs, 2023
Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs, 2023
ExudedVestibule: Enhancing Mid-air Haptics through Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Posters, 2023
Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs, 2023
Crossed half-silvered Mirror Array: Fabrication and Evaluation of a See-Through Capable DIY Crossed Mirror Array.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Posters, 2023
A Comparison of Digital Libraries for the Visually Impaired in the United States and Japan.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2023 Posters, 2023
A Preliminary Study on Eye Contact Framework Toward Improving Gaze Awareness in Video Conferences.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction, 2023
Live Demonstration: Event-based Visual Microphone.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023
Lottery and Sprint: Generate a Board Game with Design Sprint Method on AutoGPT.
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2023
Deep Billboards towards Lossless Real2Sim in Virtual Reality.
CoRR, 2022
Photographic Lighting Design with Photographer-in-the-Loop Bayesian Optimization.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2022
Computational Alternative Photographic Process toward Sustainable Printing.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Technical Communications, 2022
Computer Generated Hologram Optimization for Lens Aberration.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Posters, 2022
Kuchibashi: 3D-Printed Tweezers Bioinspired by the New Caledonian Crow's Beak.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH '22: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, Posters, Vancouver BC Canada, August 7, 2022
See-Through Captions in a Museum Guided Tour: Exploring Museum Guided Tour for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People with Real-Time Captioning on Transparent Display.
Proceedings of the Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2022
Indoor Auto-Navigate System for Electric Wheelchairs in a Nursing Home.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Design Approaches and Technologies, 2022
Calmbots: Exploring Madagascar Cockroaches as Living Ubiquitous Interfaces.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Design Approaches and Technologies, 2022
Dance Through Visual Media: The Influence of COVID-19 on Dance Artists.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Design Approaches and Technologies, 2022
Retinal Viewfinder: Preliminary Study of Retinal Projection-Based Electric Viewfinder for Camera Devices.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Technological Innovation, 2022
Development and Evaluation of Systems to Enjoy a Wedding Reception for People with Low Vision.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2022 Posters, 2022
EMS-Supported Throwing: Preliminary Investigation on EMS-Supported Training of Movement Form.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Design Approaches and Technologies, 2022
How See the Colorful Scenery?: The Color-Centered Descriptive Text Generation for the Visually Impaired in Japan.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2022 Posters, 2022
Designing AI-Support VR by Self-supervised and Initiative Selective Supports.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity, 2022
Customizable Text-to-Image Modeling by Contrastive Learning on Adjustable Word-Visual Pairs.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in HCI, 2022
Transformation of Plants into Polka Dot Arts: Kusama Yayoi as an Inspiration for Deep Learning.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Design Approaches and Technologies, 2022
Visualizing the Electroencephalography Signal Discrepancy When Maintaining Social Distancing: EEG-Based Interactive Moiré Patterns.
Proceedings of the Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Emotion, Well-being and Health, Learning, and Culture, 2022
Electroencephalography and Self-assessment Evaluation of Engagement with Online Exhibitions: Case Study of Google Arts and Culture.
Proceedings of the Culture and Computing, 2022
Rendering Personalized Real-Time Expressions While Speaking Under a Mask.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Multimodality in Advanced Interaction Environments, 2022
Simulation Object Edge Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality Based on Dielectric Elastomer.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2022 Posters, 2022
Calmbots: Exploring Possibilities of Multiple Insects with On-hand Devices and Flexible Controls as Creation Interfaces.
Proceedings of the CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022, 2022
Designing Gestures for Digital Musical Instruments: Gesture Elicitation Study with Deaf and Hard of Hearing People.
Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2022
VaxNeRF: Revisiting the Classic for Voxel-Accelerated Neural Radiance Field.
CoRR, 2021
Smartphone Drum: Gesture-based Digital Musical Instruments Application for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People.
Proceedings of the SUI '21: Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 2021
TeraFoils: Design and Rapid Fabrication Techniques for Binary Holographic Structures in the Terahertz Region.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2021: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2021
Goshuin 2.0: Construction of the World's Largest Goshuin Dataset and Automatic Generation System of Goshuin with Neural Style Transfer.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 2021: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2021
Auditory-Centered Vocal Feedback System Using Solmization for Training Absolute Pitch Without GUI.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2021 - 18th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Bari, Italy, August 30, 2021
A Customized VR Rendering with Neural-Network Generated Frames for Reducing VR Dizziness.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2021 - Posters - 23rd HCI International Conference, 2021
A Preliminary Study for Identification of Additive Manufactured Objects with Transmitted Images.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in HCI, 2021
Interaction with Objects and Humans Based on Visualized Flow Using a Background-Oriented Schlieren Method.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience Case Studies, 2021
Choreography Composed by Deep Learning.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2021 - Posters - 23rd HCI International Conference, 2021
Blind-Badminton - A Working Prototype to Recognize Position of Flying Object for Visually Impaired Users.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Media, Learning and Assistive Environments, 2021
Printed Absorbent: Inner Fluid Design with 3D Printed Object.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2021 - Posters - 23rd HCI International Conference, 2021
EmojiCam: Emoji-Assisted Video Communication System Leveraging Facial Expressions.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience Case Studies, 2021
Development of a Telepresence System Using a Robot Controlled by Mobile Devices.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2021 - Posters - 23rd HCI International Conference, 2021
A Case Study of Augmented Physical Interface by Foot Access with 3D Printed Attachment.
Proceedings of the Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Diversity, Well-being, and Social Development, 2021
Personalized Navigation that Links Speaker's Ambiguous Descriptions to Indoor Objects for Low Vision People.
Proceedings of the Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Media, Learning and Assistive Environments, 2021
Discussion of Intelligent Electric Wheelchairs for Caregivers and Care Recipients.
Proceedings of the HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems, 2021
Immersive Inclusivity at CHI: Design and Creation of Inclusive User Interactions Through Immersive Media.
Proceedings of the CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
Creative Immersive AI: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities forCreative Applications of AI in Immersive Media.
Proceedings of the CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
BunCho: AI Supported Story Co-Creation via Unsupervised Multitask Learning to Increase Writers' Creativity in Japanese.
Proceedings of the CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
Interactive Eye Aberration Correction for Holographic Near-Eye Display.
Proceedings of the AHs '21: Augmented Humans Conference 2021, 2021
See-Through Captions: Real-Time Captioning on Transparent Display for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People.
Proceedings of the ASSETS '21: The 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2021
Word Cloud for Meeting: A Visualization System for DHH People in Online Meetings.
Proceedings of the ASSETS '21: The 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2021
Acoustic Hologram Optimisation Using Automatic Differentiation.
CoRR, 2020
Collaborative Learning & Co-Creation in XR.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2020
A Preliminary Study on Understanding Voice-only Online Meetings Using Emoji-based Captioning for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Users.
Proceedings of the ASSETS '20: The 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2020
Sonovortex: Aerial Haptic Layer Rendering by Aerodynamic Vortex and Focused Ultrasound.
CoRR, 2019
Fundus imaging using DCRA toward large eyebox.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Posters, 2019
A design for optical cloaking display.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2019
Wrist-Mounted Haptic Feedback for Support of Virtual Reality in Combination with Electrical Muscle Stimulation and Hanger Reflex.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction. Recognition and Interaction Technologies, 2019
Design Method of 3D-Printable Ergonomically Personalized Stabilizer.
Proceedings of the Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Human Body and Motion, 2019
AR Cooking: Comparing Display Methods for the Instructions of Cookwares on AR Goggles.
Proceedings of the Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information in Intelligent Systems, 2019
LipSpeaker: Helping Acquired Voice Disorders People Speak Again.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2019 - Late Breaking Posters, 2019
Glass-Beads Display: Evaluation for Aerial Graphics Rendered by Retro-Reflective Particles.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2019 - Posters - 21st International Conference, 2019
GANs-based Clothes Design: Pattern Maker Is All You Need to Design Clothing.
Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019, 2019
Let Your World Open: CAVE-based Visualization Methods of Public Virtual Reality towards a Shareable VR Experience.
Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019, 2019
Augmented taste of wine by artificial climate room: Influence of temperature and humidity on taste evaluation.
Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019, 2019
How could we ignore the lens and pupils of eyeballs: Metamaterial optics for retinal projection.
CoRR, 2018
EXController: enhancing interaction capability for VR handheld controllers using real-time vision sensing.
Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2018
Trans-scale Playground: An Immersive Visual Telexistence System for Human Adaptation.
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings, 2018
DeepWear: a Case Study of Collaborative Design between Human and Artificial Intelligence.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, 2018
ReactSpace: Spatial-Aware User Interactions for Collocated Social Live Streaming Experiences.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2018
Novel structure using quasirigid folding of voxel in Ron Resch pattern.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters, Tokyo, Japan, December 04-07, 2018, 2018
Eholo glass: electroholography glass. a lensless approach to holographic augmented reality near-eye display.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Technical Briefs, Tokyo, Japan, December 04-07, 2018, 2018
Coded skeleton: shape changing user interface with mechanical metamaterial.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Technical Briefs, Tokyo, Japan, December 04-07, 2018, 2018
Retinal HDR: HDR image projection method onto retina.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters, Tokyo, Japan, December 04-07, 2018, 2018
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2018
BOLCOF: base optimization for middle layer completion of 3D-printed objects without failure.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2018
Transmissive mirror device based near-eye displays with wide field of view.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2018
Design method of digitally fabricated spring glass pen.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2018
Make your own retinal projector: retinal near-eye displays via metamaterials.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2018
Redesign of Cartesian Diver for Underwater Expression Combining Dynamic Fabrication with Non-contact Manipulation.
Proceedings of the HCI International 2018, 2018
LIVEJACKET: Wearable Music Experience Device with Multiple Speakers.
Proceedings of the Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: Understanding Humans, 2018
Spotility: Crowdsourced Telepresence for Social and Collaborative Experiences in Mobile Mixed Reality.
Proceedings of the Companion of the 2018 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2018
ReverseCAVE: CAVE-based Visualization Methods of Public VR Towards Shareable VR Experience.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2018
Distributed Metaverse: Creating Decentralized Blockchain-based Model for Peer-to-peer Sharing of Virtual Spaces for Mixed Reality Applications.
Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference, 2018
Air Mounted Eyepiece: Optical See-Through HMD Design with Aerial Optical Functions.
Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference, 2018
Exo-Balancer: Design Method of Personalized Stabilizers for Shooting Actions.
Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference, 2018
Telewheelchair: the Remote Controllable Electric Wheelchair System combined Human and Machine Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference, 2018
Air Mounted Eyepiece: Design Methods for Aerial Optical Functions of Near-Eye and See-Through Display using Transmissive Mirror Device.
CoRR, 2017
Ultrasonic Cuisine: Proposal of Ultrasonic Non-contact Stirring Methods.
Proceedings of the Adjunct Publication of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2017
You as a Puppet: Evaluation of Telepresence User Interface for Puppetry.
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2017
Sonoliards: Rendering Audible Sound Spots by Reflecting the Ultrasound Beams.
Proceedings of the Adjunct Publication of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2017
Spring-pen: reproduction of any softness with the 3D printed spring.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27 - 30, 2017, 2017
Demonstration of the unphotogenic light: protection from secret photography by small cameras.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Emerging Technologies, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27, 2017
Haptic marionette: wrist control technology combined with electrical muscle stimulation and hanger reflex.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27 - 30, 2017, 2017
Light field blender: designing optics and rendering methods for see-through and aerial near-eye display.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Technical Briefs, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27, 2017
DeepHolo: recognizing 3D objects using a binary-weighted computer-generated hologram.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27 - 30, 2017, 2017
Silk fabricator: using silkworms as 3D printers.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27 - 30, 2017, 2017
Telewheelchair: a demonstration of the intelligent electric wheelchair system towards human-machine.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Emerging Technologies, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27, 2017
Aerial image on retroreflective particles.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27 - 30, 2017, 2017
Morpho sculptures: digital fabrication methods of engraving flat materials into shape changing user interfaces.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
Unphotogenic light: high-speed projection method to prevent secret photography by small cameras.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
Telewheelchair: The intelligent electric wheelchair system towards human-machine combined environmental supports.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
Materialization of motions: tangible representation of dance movements for learning and archiving.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
Optimized HMD system for underwater VR experience.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
LeviFab: stabilization and manipulation of digitally fabricated objects for superconductive levitation.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
Digital fabrication and manipulation method for underwater display and entertainment.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
ReverseCAVE: providing reverse perspectives for sharing VR experience.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
Sonovortex: rendering multi-resolution aerial haptics by aerodynamic vortex and focused ultrasound.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2017
Bubble Clouds: 3D Display Composed of Soap Bubble Cluster.
Proceedings of the Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2017, 2017
Cross-field haptics: Multiple direction haptics combined with magnetic and electrostatic fields.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 2017
Gushed Light Field: Video Showcase of Aerosol-Based Fog Display.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017
Holographic Whisper: Rendering Audible Sound Spots in Three-dimensional Space by Focusing Ultrasonic Waves.
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017
Design method for gushed light field: aerosol-based aerial and instant display.
Proceedings of the 8th Augmented Human International Conference, 2017
Stimulated percussions: method to control human for learning music by using electrical muscle stimulation.
Proceedings of the 8th Augmented Human International Conference, 2017
Fairy Lights in Femtoseconds: Aerial and Volumetric Graphics Rendered by Focused Femtosecond Laser Combined with Computational Holographic Fields.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2016
Gushed Diffusers: Fast-moving, Floating, and Lightweight Midair Display.
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2016
Optical Marionette: Graphical Manipulation of Human's Walking Direction.
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2016
Leaked light field from everyday material: designing material property remained light-field display.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016 - Posters, 2016
Gushed light field: design method for aerosol-based fog display.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016 - Posters, 2016
Yadori: mask-type user interface for manipulation of puppets.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2016
Human coded orchestra: a system for extemporary group singing performance.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016 - Posters, 2016
Aerial interaction with femtosecond laser induced plasma.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016, 2016
Syringe-worked mermaid: computational fabrication and stabilization method for cartesian diver.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016 - Posters, 2016
Coded skeleton: programmable deformation behaviour for shape changing interfaces.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016 - Emerging Technologies, 2016
Coded skeleton: programmable bodies for shape changing user interfaces.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2016
Graphical manipulation of human's walking direction with visual illusion.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2016
Cross-field haptics: tactile device combined with magnetic and electrostatic fields for push-pull haptics.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016 - Emerging Technologies, 2016
Cross-field haptics: push-pull haptics combined with magnetic and electrostatic fields.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2016
Stimulated percussions: techniques for controlling human as percussive musical instrument by using electrical muscle stimulation.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016, Macao, December 5-8, 2016 - Posters, 2016
Cross-Field Aerial Haptics: Rendering Haptic Feedback in Air with Light and Acoustic Fields.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016
CrossFAB: Bridging the Gap between Personal Fabrication Research in HCI, Computer Graphics, Robotics, Art, Architecture, and Material Science.
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016
Bubble Cloud: Projection of an Image onto a Bubble Cluster.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 2016
Transformed Human Presence for Puppetry.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 2016
Pixie dust: graphics generated by levitated and animated objects in computational acoustic-potential field.
ACM Trans. Graph., 2014
The Colloidal Metamorphosis: Time Division Multiplexing of the Reflectance State.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2014
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2014
Visible Breadboard: System for Dynamic, Programmable, and Tangible Circuit Prototyping with Visible Electricity.
Proceedings of the Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014
Diminished Haptics: Towards Digital Transformation of Real World Textures.
Proceedings of the Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications, 2014
Driving System of Diminished Haptics: Transformation of Real-World Textures.
Proceedings of the Haptic Interaction - Perception, Devices and Applications, 2014
Reflective, deformable, colloidal display: a waterfall-based colloidal membrane using focused ultrasonic waves.
Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, 2013
Poppable display: A display that enables popping, breaking, and tearing interactions with people.
Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2013
Theory and Application of the Colloidal Display: Programmable Bubble Screen for Computer Entertainment.
Proceedings of the Advances in Computer Entertainment - 10th International Conference, 2013
Stop-motion cameras in the network: connected multi-cameras for the collaboration work in stop-motion.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2012
A colloidal display: membrane screen that combines transparency, BRDF and 3D volume.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2012
Invisible feet under the vehicle.
Proceedings of the 3rd Augmented Human International Conference, 2012
Kaleidoscopes for binocular rivalry.
Proceedings of the 3rd Augmented Human International Conference, 2012
The cyclone display: rotation, reflection, flicker and recognition combined to the pixels.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2011
Homunculus: the vehicle as augmented clothes.
Proceedings of the 2nd Augmented Human International Conference, 2011
The visible electricity device: visible breadboard.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2010