Cross courses pedagogy development in data analytics.
Proceedings of the ACM SE '21: 2021 ACM Southeast Conference, 2021

A big data analytics framework for border crossing transportation.
Int. J. Big Data Intell., 2017

A Framework of Analyzing Border Crossing Transportation Data.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart City/SocialCom/SustainCom/DataCom/SC2 2015, 2015

A new feature selection method based on support vector machines for text categorisation.
Int. J. Data Anal. Tech. Strateg., 2011

A note on optimal solutions to quadratic knapsack problems.
Int. J. Math. Model. Numer. Optimisation, 2010

A Pseudo-Boolean Optimization for Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Complex Systems.
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2007, 7th International Conference, Beijing, China, May 27, 2007