Driver Glance Behavior Modeling Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering and Piecewise Aggregate Representation.
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Recognition of Drought Stress State of Tomato Seedling Based on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging.
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Active Fault Localization of Actuators on Torpedo-Shaped Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
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Equal-quantile rules in resource allocation with uncertain needs.
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Is the cut-in behavior in china dangerous? Research and analysis based on Chinese driving behavior characteristics in highway.
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An evaluation of lane changing process based on cloud model and incentive-punishment variable weights.
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Online and Offline Mixed Teaching Mode of Management Courses Based on Internet and Information Technology - - Taking Wuhan Donghu University as an Example.
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An AHP-based Computer Evaluation Model for College Students English Pronunciation Quality.
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The Adaptability and Challenges of Autonomous Vehicles to Pedestrians in Urban China.
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An Improved PSO Algorithm for the Classification of Multiple Power Quality Disturbances.
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Analysis ${{L_{{1/2}}}}$ Regularization: Iterative Half Thresholding Algorithm for CS-MRI.
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A Model Evaluating Complexity of Driving Environment toward Autonomous Vehicles Using Neural Network.
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A Scoring System of Oral English-Chinese Translation Based on Frame Semantic Analysis.
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Envy-free and budget-balanced assignment of identical objects.
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Social Personalized Ranking Embedding for Next POI Recommendation.
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Handling occlusions in augmented reality based on 3D reconstruction method.
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A buffer-limited maximum throughput routing algorithm for satellite network.
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A Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Multicast Routing Optimization.
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