Improvements in Precision of Relative Binding Free Energy Calculations Afforded by the Alchemical Enhanced Sampling (ACES) Approach.
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Alleviating Load Imbalance in Data Processing for Large-Scale Deep Learning.
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Software-Hardware Managed Last-level Cache Allocation Scheme for Large-Scale NVRAM-Based Multicores Executing Parallel Data Analytics Applications.
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An Early Performance Study of Large-Scale POWER8 SMP Systems.
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Subgraph Counting: Color Coding Beyond Trees.
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Optimizing Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Large-Scale Data Analytics.
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Optimizing Sparse Linear Algebra for Large-Scale Graph Analytics.
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Scalable Community Detection with the Louvain Algorithm.
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Runtime Techniques to Enable a Highly-Scalable Global Address Space Model for Petascale Computing.
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Hadoop acceleration through network levitated merge.
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Virtual Topologies for Scalable Resource Management and Contention Attenuation in a Global Address Space Model on the Cray XT5.
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Network-Friendly One-Sided Communication through Multinode Cooperation on Petascale Cray XT5 Systems.
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An improvement method based on OrthoMCL by adding the domain information.
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