Approximation algorithms for scheduling monotonic moldable tasks on multiple platforms.
J. Sched., August, 2023
An improved approximation algorithm for scheduling monotonic moldable tasks.
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Single-machine scheduling problems with general truncated sum-of-actual-processing-time-based learning effect.
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Simulation of Cardiac Flow under the Septal Defect Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method.
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Scheduling coupled tasks with exact delays for minimum total job completion time.
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Scheduling with time-of-use costs.
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Polynomial Time Algorithms to Minimize Total Travel Time in a Two-Depot Automated Storage/Retrieval System.
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Single-machine scheduling with times-based and job-dependent learning effect.
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Increasing the revenue of self-storage warehouses by optimizing order scheduling.
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Two-machine interval shop scheduling with time lags.
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Tactical fixed job scheduling with spread-time constraints.
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Moving target detection algorithm based on Gaussian mixture model.
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Scheduling an unbounded batching machine with family jobs and setup times.
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Approximation algorithms for the parallel flow shop problem.
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An Integrated Pricing and Deteriorating Model and a Hybrid Algorithm for a VMI (Vendor-Managed-Inventory) Supply Chain.
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Polynomial-time approximation schemes for scheduling problems with time lags.
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On-line two-machine job shop scheduling with time lags.
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On-line two-machine open shop scheduling with time lags.
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