IOPCNet: inner and outer point classification based low overlap rate local-to-global point cloud registration.
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A Landmark-free Approach for Surface Asymmetry Detection and Profile Drawings from Bilaterally Symmetrical Geometry.
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A computerized craniofacial reconstruction method for an unidentified skull based on statistical shape models.
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Classifying fragments of terracotta warriors using template-based partial matching.
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A Sketch-based Rapid Modeling Method for Crime Scene Presentation.
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Template-Guided 3D Fragment Reassembly Using GDS.
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Recursive Inception Network for Super-Resolution.
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Text to 3D Model of Chinese Ancient Architecture.
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A PCA-Based method for determining craniofacial relationship and sexual dimorphism of facial shapes.
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The production of digital and printed resources from multiple modalities using visualization and three-dimensional printing techniques.
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Sketch-Based Modeling and Immersive Display Techniques for Indoor Crime Scene Presentation.
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Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel Mapping for Shape Analysis.
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A new artistic information extraction method with multi channels and guided filters for calligraphy works.
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Skeleton-based cerebrovascular quantitative analysis.
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Automatic planar shape segmentation from indoor point clouds.
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, 2016
An automatic positioning algorithm for archaeological fragments.
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, 2016
Using Semi-automatic 3D Scene Reconstruction to Create a Digital Medieval Charnel Chapel.
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Robust surface segmentation and edge feature lines extraction from fractured fragments of relics.
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Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel Mapping.
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Guidance rays: 3D object selection based on multi-ray in dense scenario.
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Ancient Porcelain Shards Classifications Based on Color Features.
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