A Fundamental Inequality Governing the Rate Coding Response of Sensory Neurons.
Biol. Cybern., October, 2023

On the rate coding response of peripheral sensory neurons.
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Speech Separation Using Gain-Adapted Factorial Hidden Markov Models.
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Real time hearing enhancement in crowded social environments with noise gating.
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Auditory gap detection: psychometric functions and insights into the underlying neural activity.
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Probability Map Viewer: near real-time probability map generator of serial block electron microscopy collections.
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MPtracker: A new multi-pitch detection and separation algorithm for mixed speech signals.
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Approximating the Time-Frequency Representation of Biosignals with Chirplets.
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Scaled factorial hidden Markov models: A new technique for compensating gain differences in model-based single channel speech separation.
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Performance comparison of HMM and VQ based single channel speech separation.
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The Smart Atlas: Spatial and Semantic Strategies for Multiscale Integration of Brain Data.
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Investigation of Short-Term Changes in Visual Evoked Potentials With Windowed Adaptive Chirplet Transform.
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Suitability of a UV-based video recording system for the analysis of small facial motions during speech.
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The adaptive chirplet transform and visual evoked potentials.
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Optimal Window Length in the Windowed Adaptive Chirplet Analysis of Visual Evoked Potentials.
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Recording human evoked potentials that follow the pitch contour of a natural vowel.
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Improving utterance verification using additional confidence measures in isolated speech recognition interfaces.
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A stochastic model for the detection of coherent motion.
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National and international frameworks for collaboration between HCI research and practice.
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Is the east really different from the west: a cross-cultural study on information technology and decision making.
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A conceptual approach to the magical number 7.
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