Numerical analysis and experimental validation of nonlinear broadband monostable and bistable energy harvesters.
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Developing a virtual reality healthcare product based on data-driven concepts: A case study.
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A Lightweight Anchor-Free Detector Using Cross-Dimensional Interactive Feature Balance for SAR Ship Detection.
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A large-scale container dataset and a baseline method for container hole localization.
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Phase partition and identification based on kernel entropy component analysis and multi-class support vector machines-fireworks algorithm for multi-phase batch process fault diagnosis.
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Recognition of mixture control chart patterns based on fusion feature reduction and fireworks algorithm-optimized MSVM.
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An improved model for the parallel row ordering problem.
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Modelling and solving mixed-model two-sided assembly line balancing problem with sequence-dependent setup time.
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Features Fusion Exaction and KELM With Modified Grey Wolf Optimizer for Mixture Control Chart Patterns Recognition.
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Vision-based detection of container lock holes using a modified local sliding window method.
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Gantry crane scheduling in intermodal rail-road container terminals.
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Hybrid evolutionary algorithm with extreme machine learning fitness function evaluation for two-stage capacitated facility location problems.
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A general variable neighborhood search for single-machine total tardiness scheduling problem with step-deteriorating jobs
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Parallel machine scheduling with step deteriorating jobs and setup times by a hybrid discrete cuckoo search algorithm.
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A Novel Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for U-Shaped Line Balancing Problem.
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Improved Ant Colony Optimization for One-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem with Precedence Constraints.
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