Remaining useful life prediction method of bearings based on the interactive learning strategy.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2025
Improving 3-D NAND SSD Read Performance by Parallelizing Read-Retry.
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A Distributed System-Based Multiplex Networks to Extract Texture Feature.
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Dynamic Partition Gaussian Crack Detection Algorithm Based on Projection Curve Distribution.
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A Defect Detection Method for the Image With Intersecting Feature.
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Flexible Printed Circuit Fracture Detection Based on Hypothesis Testing Strategy.
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Low-cost biometric recognition system based on NIR palm vein image.
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Wood Defect Classification Based on Two-Dimensional Histogram Constituted by LBP and Local Binary Differential Excitation Pattern.
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Extraction of the Iris Collarette Based on Constraint Interruption CV Model.
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Corneal Arcus Segmentation Method in Eyes Opened Naturally.
Proceedings of the Biometric Recognition - 11th Chinese Conference, 2016
Iris Cracks Detection Method Based on Minimum Local Gray Value and Dilating Window of Regional Mean Gray Value.
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Extraction of Texture Primitive of the Iris Intestinal Loop.
Proceedings of the Biometric Recognition - 10th Chinese Conference, 2015
The K-F Ring Detection Method Based on Image Analysis.
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Fast Ellipse Detection and Automatic Marking in Planar Target Image Sequences.
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Extraction and Analysis of Texture Information of the Iris Intestinal Loop.
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Pupil Contour Extraction Method of Anti-light Spot Interference for Iris Image Captured in Visible Light.
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An Effective Optical Component to Increase the Illumination Uniformity of Extended LED Light Source.
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Iris Recognition Using Stable Dark Features.
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Venous Congestion Detection Method Based on HSI Color Space.
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Iris Recognition of Defocused Images for Mobile phones.
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Exploiting stable features for iris recognition of defocused images.
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A Fast Ellipse Detection Method in Planar Target Image.
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The Research of Multi-spectral Hand Texture Fusion Method under a Non-constraint Condition.
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The Location Method of the Main Hand-Shape Feature Points.
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Utilizing Dark Features for Iris Recognition in Less Constrained Environments.
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An Iris Location Method Based on the Active Contour.
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Support Vector Machines and Genetic Algorithms for Soft-Sensing Modeling.
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Hybrid Modeling for Nosiheptide Fermentation Process Based on Prior Knowledge and SVM.
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An Accurate and Fast Iris Location Method Based on the Features of Human Eyes.
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