Event Categories on the Semantic Web and Their Relationship/Object Distinction.
Proceedings of the Formal Ontology in Information Systems, 2016

OBM2OWL Patterns: Spotlight on OWL Modeling Versatility.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP 2015) co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), 2015

OBOWLMorph: Starting Ontology Development from PURO Background Models.
Proceedings of the Ontology Engineering, 2015

What Can the Ontology Describe? Visualizing Local Coverage in PURO Modeler.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Knowledge Engineering and Linked Data Analytics co-located with 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2014