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Effects of powered ankle-foot orthoses mass distribution on lower limb muscle forces - a simulation study.
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Instant flow distribution network optimization in liquid composite molding using deep reinforcement learning.
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An unsupervised defect detection model for a dry carbon fiber textile.
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Towards real-time finite-strain anisotropic thermo-visco-elastodynamic analysis of soft tissues for thermal ablative therapy.
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Improved real-time segmentation of Intravascular Ultrasound images using coordinate-aware fully convolutional networks.
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Fast computation of soft tissue thermal response under deformation based on fast explicit dynamics finite element algorithm for surgical simulation.
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Towards near real-time assessment of surgical skills: A comparison of feature extraction techniques.
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Real-time computation of bio-heat transfer in the fast explicit dynamics finite element algorithm (FED-FEM) framework.
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Fast explicit dynamics finite element algorithm for transient heat transfer.
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Surgical skill levels: Classification and analysis using deep neural network model and motion signals.
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Neural network methodology for real-time modelling of bio-heat transfer during thermo-therapeutic applications.
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Automated geometric optimization for robotic HIFU treatment of liver tumors.
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Ultrasound-based liver tracking utilizing a hybrid template/optical flow approach.
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Selective Stiffening Mechanism for Surgical-Assist Soft Robotic Applications.
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Vision-based robot-assisted biological cell micromanipulation.
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Empirical modeling of renal motion for improved targeting during focused ultrasound surgery.
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A Hybrid Control Approach for Non-invasive Medical Robotic Systems.
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A computer-aided MFCC-based HMM system for automatic auscultation.
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Image Acquisition and Data Fusion for Planning and Feedback during Image Guided Surgery.
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A robot for non-invasive breast cancer surgery.
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A Robotic Approach to HIFU Based Neurosurgery.
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