A robust and efficient vector-based key management scheme for IoT networks.
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Dynamic load balancing upon the replication and deletion of cloud services.
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An Approach Based on Genetic and Grasshopper Optimization Algorithms for Dynamic Load Balancing in CloudIoT.
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Semantic Interoperability in Electronic Health Record System Based on Blockchain Technology: a Survey.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems, 2023
BKRSC-IoT: Blockchain-Based Key Revocation Using Smart Contracts for IoT Networks.
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An approach based on genetic algorithms and neural networks for QoS-aware IoT services composition.
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Fault Tolerance for Composite Cloud Services: A Novel Approach Based MAS.
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A Formal Integrated Approach for Cyber Physical Systems.
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From CA-BRS to BPMN: Formal Approach for Modeling Adaptive Security in Cyber-Physical Systems.
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Multicriteria Approach for Discovering IoT Services.
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Optimizing Both the User Requirements and the Load Balancing in the Volunteer Computing System by using Markov Chain Model.
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Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems: A Survey.
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Load balancing, cost and response time minimisation issues in agent-based multi cloud service composition.
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A hybrid load balancing algorithm for P2P-cloud system aware of constraints optimisation of cost and reliability criteria.
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Cloud Services Selection by Load Balancing between Clouds - A Hybrid MCDM/Markov Chain Approach.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2016
Cost Minimization and Load Balancing Issues to Compose Web Services in a Multi Cloud Environment.
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Load balancing by requests redistribution In failure nodes context.
Proceedings of the IPAC '15: International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, 2015
D3-P2P: Managing Distributed and Replicated Database in P2P Environment by Using Quorum System.
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