Effective approximation of high-dimensional space using neural networks.
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Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of a Nonlinear Rotating Cantilever Plate System.
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Classification for Fruit Fly Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks.
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Manifold Discovery for High-Dimensional Data Using Deep Method.
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Hybrid Approach to Optimize MPI Collectives by In-network-computation and Point-to-Point Messages.
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Neural networks trained with high-dimensional functions approximation data in high-dimensional space.
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Nonlinear Dynamics of Z-Shaped Folding Wings with 1: 1 Inner Resonance.
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Outage performance of orthogonal space-time block code transmission in opportunistic decode-and-forward cooperative networks.
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Multi-cell channel estimation and multi-cell joint detection in TD-SCDMA system.
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Ergodic and Outage Capacity Analysis of Amplify-And-Forward MIMO Relay with OSTBCs.
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Performance analysis for dual polarization antenna schemes in TD-HSPA+ system.
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Model for Social Impact Post-evaluation of Highway Based on Factor Analysis and Success Evaluation Methods.
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Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Services in Two-hop OFDM Cooperative Relay Systems.
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Asymptotic Analysis of Multiuser Diversity and Selection Diversity in Multiple-Relay Networks.
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New Family of Combined Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations.
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