Strategic fit revelation with advertising.
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Optimal promotion strategies of online marketplaces.
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Efficacy of retailer rebates and delayed incentives under customer heterogeneity.
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The applicability of blockchain technology in healthcare contexts to contain COVID-19 challenges.
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Contracting mechanism with imperfect information in a two-level supply chain.
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Optimal production decision for a risk-averse manufacturer faced with random yield and stochastic demand.
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Customer satisfaction incentives with budget constraints.
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Optimal price and maximum deal size on group-buying websites for sellers with finite capacity.
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Real-time neural optimal controller for a direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) system.
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Supply chain coordination based on return contracts with a threshold ordering quantity.
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Discrete-time inverse optimal control for indoor air temperature and humidity in a direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) system.
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Close the Gaps: A Learning-while-Doing Algorithm for a Class of Single-Product Revenue Management Problems
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Hierarchical Capacity Planning With Reconfigurable Kits in Global Semiconductor Assembly and Test Manufacturing.
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Joint Production and Pricing Decisions with Setup Costs and Capacity Constraints.
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