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Fast solver for some computational imaging problems: A regularized weighted least-squares approach.
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3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic Comparison of Five Tracking Methodologies.
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Computational and Physical Phantom Setups for the Second Cardiac Motion Analysis Challenge (cMAC2).
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Segmentation-free and multiscale-free extraction of medial information using Gradient Vector Flow - Application to vascular structures.
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Implicit medial representation for vessel segmentation.
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Simultaneous image segmentation and medial structure estimation: application to 2D and 3D vessel tree extraction.
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Vessel geometry modeling and segmentation using convolution surfaces and an implicit medial axis.
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Robust image registration based on a Partition of Unity Finite Element Method.
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Prior-Based Piecewise-Smooth Segmentation by Template Competitive Deformation Using Partitions of Unity.
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New methods and algorithms for the accurate, real-time motion analysis of the left ventricle with MRI-tagging.
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Computer Assisted Quantitative Analysis of Deformities of the Human Spine.
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Quadratic Structuring Functions in Mathematical Morphology.
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Noise Reduction and Image Enhancement Algorithms for Low-Dose X-Ray Fluoroscopy.
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