Adaptive multiple kernel clustering using low-rank representation.
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Ambiguities in neural-network-based hyperedge prediction.
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FLUXestimator: a webserver for predicting metabolic flux and variations using transcriptomics data.
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Generalized Matrix Local Low Rank Representation by Random Projection and Submatrix Propagation.
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2023
PLUS: Predicting cancer metastasis potential based on positive and unlabeled learning.
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Response to 'Letter to the Editor: on the stability and internal consistency of component-wise sparse mixture regression based clustering', Zhang <i>et al.</i>.
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Bias aware probabilistic Boolean matrix factorization.
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Principled Hyperedge Prediction with Structural Spectral Features and Neural Networks.
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Spatially and Robustly Hybrid Mixture Regression Model for Inference of Spatial Dependence.
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Denoising individual bias for a fairer binary submatrix detection.
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Supervised clustering of high dimensional data using regularized mixture modeling.
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A New Algorithm using Component-wise Adaptive Trimming For Robust Mixture Regression.
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QUBIC2: a novel and robust biclustering algorithm for analyses and interpretation of large-scale RNA-Seq data.
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Geometric All-way Boolean Tensor Decomposition.
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Denoising Individual Bias for Fairer Binary Submatrix Detection.
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A data denoising approach to optimize functional clustering of single cell RNA-sequencing data.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2020
Fast and Efficient Boolean Matrix Factorization by Geometric Segmentation.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020
Warburg Effects in Cancer and Normal Proliferating Cells: Two Tales of the Same Name.
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Robust tests for gene-environment interaction in case-control and case-only designs.
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MEBF: a fast and efficient Boolean matrix factorization method.
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Predicted disease compositions of human gliomas estimated from multiparametric MRI can predict endothelial proliferation, tumor grade, and overall survival.
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M3S: a comprehensive model selection for multi-modal single-cell RNA sequencing data.
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MRHCA: a nonparametric statistics based method for hub and co-expression module identification in large gene co-expression network.
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HRI Design Research for Intelligent Household Service Robots: Teler as a Case Study.
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Voice User Interface Interaction Design Research Based on User Mental Model in Autonomous Vehicle.
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Transcription regulation by DNA methylation under stressful conditions in human cancer.
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The method for breast cancer grade prediction and pathway analysis based on improved multiple kernel learning.
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User Experience Design for Green IT Products Through Wearable Computing and Quantified Self.
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Stresses drive a cancer's initiation, progression and metastasis: Critical comments on the book "Cancer Bioinformatics".
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Population dynamics inside cancer biomass driven by repeated hypoxia-reoxygenation cycles.
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