Self-supervised learning of rotation-invariant 3D point set features using transformer and its self-distillation.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 2024

Hyperplane patch mixing-and-folding decoder and weighted chamfer distance loss for 3D point set reconstruction.
Vis. Comput., October, 2023

DeepDiffusion: Unsupervised Learning of Retrieval-Adapted Representations via Diffusion-Based Ranking on Latent Feature Manifold.
IEEE Access, 2022

Scale Adaptive Feature Pyramid Networks for 2D Object Detection.
Sci. Program., 2020

Transcoding across 3D shape representations for unsupervised learning of 3D shape feature.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2020

Convolution on Rotation-Invariant and Multi-Scale Feature Graph for 3D Point Set Segmentation.
IEEE Access, 2020

Cascaded Multi-Channel Feature Fusion for Object Detection.
Proceedings of the ICCCV'20: The 3rd International Conference on Control and Computer Vision, 2020

Feature set aggregator: unsupervised representation learning of sets for their comparison.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2019

Annotating 3D Models and Their Parts via Deep Feature Embedding.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops, 2019

Query by Partially-Drawn Sketches for 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 2019

Learning part-in-whole relation of 3D shapes for part-based 3D model retrieval.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 2018

Deep semantic hashing of 3D geometric features for efficient 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International Conference, 2017

Large-Scale 3D Shape Retrieval from ShapeNet Core55.
Proceedings of the 10th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2017

Deformable Shape Retrieval with Missing Parts.
Proceedings of the 10th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2017

Accurate Aggregation of Local Features by using K-sparse Autoencoder for 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2016

Deep Aggregation of Local 3D Geometric Features for 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2016, 2016

Aggregating Sparse Binarized Local Features by Summing for Efficient 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the IEEE Second International Conference on Multimedia Big Data, 2016

Partial Shape Queries for 3D Object Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2016

Similarity metric learning for sketch-based 3D object retrieval.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2015

A comparison of 3D shape retrieval methods based on a large-scale benchmark supporting multimodal queries.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 2015

Diffusion-on-Manifold Aggregation of Local Features for Shape-based 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 5th ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2015

An unsupervised approach for comparing styles of illustrations.
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 2015

Lightweight Binary Voxel Shape Features for 3D Data Matching and Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data, BigMM 2015, 2015

Non-rigid 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2015

Range Scans based 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2015

Randomized Sub-Volume Partitioning for Part-Based 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2015

A comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 2014

Visual Saliency Weighting and Cross-Domain Manifold Ranking for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval.
Proceedings of the MultiMedia Modeling - 20th Anniversary International Conference, 2014

Fusing Multiple Features for Shape-based 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, 2014

Large Scale Comprehensive 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 7th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2014

Extended Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 7th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2014

Hashing Cross-Modal Manifold for Scalable Sketch-Based 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision, 2014

A comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval.
Pattern Recognit., 2013

Densely sampled local visual features on 3D mesh for retrieval.
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2013

View-Clustering and Manifold Learning for Sketch-Based 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 2013

Ranking on Cross-Domain Manifold for Sketch-Based 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Cyberworlds, 2013

Local geometry adaptive manifold re-ranking for shape-based 3D object retrieval.
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Multimedia Conference, MM '12, Nara, Japan, October 29, 2012

Non-rigid 3D Model Retrieval Using Set of Local Statistical Features.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops, 2012

Supervised, Geometry-Aware Segmentation of 3D Mesh Models.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops, 2012

Efficient manifold learning for 3D model retrieval by using clustering-based training sample reduction.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2012

SHREC'12 Track: Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2012

SHREC'12 Track: Generic 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2012

Local Goemetrical Feature with Spatial Context for Shape-based 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 5th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2012

SHREC '11 Track: Shape Retrieval on Non-rigid 3D Watertight Meshes.
Proceedings of the 4th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2011

SHREC '11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 4th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2011

Distance metric learning and feature combination for shape-based 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the ACM workshop on 3D object retrieval, 2010

Squeezing bag-of-features for scalable and semantic 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2010 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 2010

SHREC'10 Track: Large Scale Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 3rd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2010

SHREC'10 Track: Generic 3D Warehouse.
Proceedings of the 3rd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2010

SHREC'10 Track: Non-rigid 3D Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 3rd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2010

SHREC'10 Track: Range Scan Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 3rd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2010

Shape-Based Autotagging of 3D Models for Retrieval.
Proceedings of the Semantic Multimedia, 2009

Scale-weighted dense bag of visual features for 3D model retrieval from a partial view 3D model.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2009

Dense sampling and fast encoding for 3D model retrieval using bag-of-visual features.
Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 2009

SHREC'09 Track: Structural Shape Retrieval on Watertight Models.
Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2009

SHREC'09 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2009

SHREC'09 Track: Querying with Partial Models.
Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2009

SHREC'08 entry: Semi-supervised learning for semantic 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2008), 2008

Learning 3D Face Models for shape based retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2008), 2008

SHREC'08 entry: Local volumetric features for 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2008), 2008

SHREC - 08 entry: Local 2D visual features for CAD Model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2008), 2008

Salient local visual features for shape-based 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2008), 2008

SHape REtrieval contest 2008: Generic models.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2008), 2008

Ranking on semantic manifold for shape-based 3d model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2008

Learning semantic categories for 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2007

Comparison of Dimension Reduction Methods for Database-Adaptive 3D Model Retrieval.
Proceedings of the Adaptive Multimedial Retrieval: Retrieval, 2007

Unsupervised learning from a corpus for shape-based 3D model retrieval.
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2006

Shape-similarity search of 3D models by using enhanced shape functions.
Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., 2005

3D Freeform Design: Interactive Shape Deformations by the Use of CyberGlove.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW 2004), 2004

Watermarking a 3D Shape Model Defined as a Point Set.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW 2004), 2004

Watermarking 2D Vector Maps in the Mesh-Spectral Domain.
Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications (SMI 2003), 2003

Shape-Similarity Comparison of 3D Models Using Alpha Shapes.
Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2003

Retrieving 3D shapes based on their appearance.
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2003

A Frequency-Domain Approach to Watermarking 3D Shapes.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2002

Shape-Similarity Search of Three-Dimensional Models Using Parameterized Statistics.
Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2002

Robust watermarking of vector digital maps.
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2002

Blending shapes by using subdivision surfaces.
Comput. Graph., 2001

Explicit Control of Topological Transitions in Morphing Shapes of 3D Meshes.
Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2001

Watermarking 3D Polygonal Meshes in the Mesh Spectral Domain.
Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2001 Conference, 2001

Coding topological structure of 3D CAD models.
Comput. Aided Des., 2000

8. Managing CAD Data as a Multimedia Data Type Using Digital Watermarking.
Proceedings of the From Knowledge Intensive CAD to Knowledge Intensive Engineering, 2000

A Shape-Preserving Data Embedding Algorithm for NURBS Curves and Surfaces.
Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 1999, Canmore, Alberta, 1999

Watermarking three-dimensional polygonal models through geometric and topological modifications.
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 1998

Data embedding algorithms for geometrical and non-geometrical targets in three-dimensional polygonal models.
Comput. Commun., 1998

Watermaking Three-Dimensional Polygonal Models.
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Multimedia '97, 1997

Embedding Data in 3D Models.
Proceedings of the Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, 1997

Integrated medical-image system for cancer research and treatment.
IBM J. Res. Dev., 1996

Case Study: Observing a Volume Rendered Fetus within a Pregnant Patient.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Visualization Conference, 1994

Incremental volume reconstruction and rendering for 3-D ultrasound imaging.
Proceedings of the Visualization in Biomedical Computing '92, 1992

Merging virtual objects with the real world: seeing ultrasound imagery within the patient.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1992

Incremental Volume Rendering Algorithm for Interactive 3D Ultrasound Imaging.
Proceedings of the Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 1991