Lower time bounds for parallel solving of the subset sum problem by a dynamic programming algorithm.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., August, 2024

Almost optimal searching of maximal subrepetitions in a word.
CoRR, 2022

Optimality and Complexity Analysis of a Branch-and-Bound Method in Solving Some Instances of the Subset Sum Problem.
Open Comput. Sci., 2021

The scalability analysis of a parallel tree search algorithm.
Optim. Lett., 2020

Some results on the number of periodic factors in words.
Inf. Comput., 2020

Optimal bounds for computing <i>α</i>-gapped repeats.
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On the number of gapped repeats with arbitrary gap.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2018

Searching of gapped repeats and subrepetitions in a word.
J. Discrete Algorithms, 2017

Complexity of solving the Subset Sum problem with the branch-and-bound method with domination and cardinality filtering.
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Indexing and querying color sets of images.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2016

Optimal Bounds for Computing \alpha α -gapped Repeats.
Proceedings of the Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 2016

Upper bound on the number of steps for solving the subset sum problem by the Branch-and-Bound method.
CoRR, 2015

Optimal searching of gapped repeats in a word.
CoRR, 2015

Various improvements to text fingerprinting.
J. Discrete Algorithms, 2013

On primary and secondary repetitions in words.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2012

On the number of Dejean words over alphabets of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 letters.
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Linear pattern matching on sparse suffix trees
CoRR, 2011

Pattern Matching on Sparse Suffix Trees.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Compression, 2011

On maximal repetitions of arbitrary exponent.
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Searching for gapped palindromes.
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New algorithms for text fingerprinting.
J. Discrete Algorithms, 2008

Faster Text Fingerprinting.
Proceedings of the String Processing and Information Retrieval, 2008

Space efficient search for maximal repetitions.
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Polynomial Time Checking for Generation of Finite Distributions of Rational Probabilities.
Proceedings of the Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications, 2005

Real-Time Traversal in Grammar-Based Compressed Files.
Proceedings of the 2005 Data Compression Conference (DCC 2005), 2005

Linear-time computation of local periods.
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Criterion of generativeness of sets of rational probabilities by a class of Boolean functions.
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Real-Time String Matching in Sublinear Space.
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Finding approximate repetitions under Hamming distance.
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mreps: efficient and flexible detection of tandem repeats in DNA.
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Classes of Binary Rational Distributions Closed under Discrete Transformations.
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Finding Repeats with Fixed Gap.
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On Repetition-Free Binary Words of Minimal Density.
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Finding Maximal Repetitions in a Word in Linear Time.
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On Maximal Repetitions in Words.
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Minimal Letter Frequency in n-th Power-Free Binary Words.
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