Analysis and optimization of noise in continuous-time OTA-C filters.
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Continuous-time active-RC filter model for computer-aided design and optimization.
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Structure generation and performance comparison of elliptic <i>G</i><sub>m</sub>-<i>C</i> filters.
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A radio-frequency CMOS active inductor and its application in designing high-Q filters.
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A general approach to continuous-time Gm-C filters.
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CMOS differential pair transconductor with active-error feedback.
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A general approach to continuous-time G<sub>m</sub>-C filters based on matrix descriptions.
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Design of highly linear tunable CMOS OTA.
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A low-voltage low-power CMOS 5-GHz oscillator based on active inductors.
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A new virtual-instrumentation-based experimenting environment for undergraduate laboratories with application in research and manufacturing.
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Highly Linear VHF Current-Mode Miller Integrator with 900 dB DC Gain.
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Avoiding Common-Mode Feedback in Continuous-Time Gm-C Filters by Use of Lossy Integrators.
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Frequency and Phase Tuning of Continuous-Time Integrated Filters using Common-Mode Signals.
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VHF Highly Linear Fully-balanced CMOS OTA.
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A 20 MHz Fully-balanced Transconductance-C Filter in 2 µm CMOS Technology.
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