An Enhanced Deep Learning Architecture for Classification of Tuberculosis Types From CT Lung Images.
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Robotic therapy for phantom limb pain in upper limb amputees.
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A Review of Hough Transform and Line Segment Detection Approaches.
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Lane detection using Fourier-based line detector.
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Radon sinogram decomposition for line segmentation.
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A new MAC solution for multi-channel single radio in wireless sensor networks.
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WiMAX 54Mbit/s over radio over fibre using DCF, SMF fibre and FGB for fibre over 410km.
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The Potential of the BCI for Accessible and Smart e-Learning.
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Toward a Robust System to Monitor Head Motions during PET Based on Facial Landmark Detection: A New Approach.
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General and Efficient Certificateless Public Key Encryption Constructions.
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Attacks on An ISO/IEC 11770-2 Key Establishment Protocol.
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On The Indistinguishability-Based Security Model of Key Agreement Protocols-Simple Cases.
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Identity-Based Key Agreement with Unilateral Identity Privacy Using Pairings.
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Efficient Certificateless Public Key Encryption.
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A Hybrid Wavelet-Based Compression System.
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Pairing-Based One-Round Tripartite Key Agreement Protocols.
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Remove Key Escrow from The Identity-Based Encryption System.
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