Mobile computing-enabled health physique evaluation in campus based on amplified hashing.
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Sports match prediction model for training and exercise using attention-based LSTM network.
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Design of a New Dual-Band Balanced-to-Balanced Filtering Power Divider Based on the Circular Microstrip Patch Resonator.
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Dual-Band Filtering Power Divider Based on a Single Circular Patch Resonator With Improved Bandwidths and Good Isolation.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 2021
Multi-Dimensional Sport Physique Evaluation and Ranking for Healthcare Based on TOPSIS.
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Sport Location-Based User Clustering With Privacy-Preservation in Wireless IoT-Driven Healthcare.
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Fuzzy Keywords-Driven Public Sports Resource Allocation Strategies Retrieval With Privacy-Preservation.
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Second-Order Cyclostationarity of BT-SCLD Signals: Theoretical Developments and Applications to Signal Classification and Blind Parameter Estimation.
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On the Cyclostationarity of OFDM and Single Carrier Linearly Digitally Modulated Signals in Time Dispersive Channels: Theoretical Developments and Application.
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Cyclostationarity Approach for the Recognition of Cyclically Prefixed Single Carrier Signals in Cognitive Radio.
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An Approach for Metabonomics Data Analysis Based on Orthogonal Signal Correction Partical Least Square Discriminate Analysis.
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On the second-order cyclostationarity for joint signal detection and classification in cognitive radio systems.
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Second-Order Cyclostationarity of Cyclically Prefixed Single Carrier Linear Digital Modulations with Applications to Signal Recognition.
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