Revisiting the potential value of vital signs in the real-time prediction of mortality risk in intensive care unit patients.
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Study on Distributed Power-Collection and Cascaded Boosting-Voltage Topology and Strategy for Offshore DC Station.
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Infrared Single-Frame Small Target Detection Based on Block-Matching.
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Taylor genetic programming for symbolic regression.
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Evaluating the Performance of Transformer-based Language Models for Neuroatypical Language.
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Predicting pragmatic discourse features in the language of adults with autism spectrum disorder.
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Adaptive neural prescribed performance tracking control for near space vehicles with input nonlinearity.
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Sliding mode control for a class of fractional-order nonlinear systems based on disturbance observer.
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Robust Control for Uncertain Linear System Subject to Input Saturation.
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An efficient discrete particle swarm algorithm for Task Assignment Problems.
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An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for flowshop scheduling problem.
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A comparative study of discrete differential evolution on binary constraint satisfaction problems.
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An Improved Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for TSP.
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A Hybrid Discrete Particle Swarm Algorithm for Open-Shop Problems.
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A Hybrid Discrete Particle Swarm Algorithm for Hard Binary CSPs.
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A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Binary CSPs.
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