Multi-classification of Sleep Apnea Syndrome Based on Transfer Learning.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2024
16-Channel EEG Signal Acquisition Board for SSVEP.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2024
A Multi-Channel EEG Acquisition Device Based on BT Microcontroller.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2023
Design of PPG and ECG synchronous acquisition system based on NRF52832.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2023
Three-Heartbeat Multilead ECG Recognition Method for Arrhythmia Classification.
IEEE Access, 2022
An Integration Method for ECG Multi-Classification.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2022
A Method for ECG R-wave Denoising and Detecting.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2022
A Classification and Prediction Hybrid Model Construction with the IQPSO-SVM Algorithm for Atrial Fibrillation Arrhythmia.
Sensors, 2021
Automated Classification Model With OTSU and CNN Method for Premature Ventricular Contraction Detection.
IEEE Access, 2021
A Multi-lead ECG Acquisition Device Base on Bluetooth Microcontroller.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, 2021
Heart Beat Classification Method based on Random Forest Algorithm.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, 2021
Real-time personalized cardiovascular monitoring system with arrhythmia classification method.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2020
Extracting Respiration Signals from A Portable ECG Acquisition Device.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2020
Two-stage Adaptive Filter in Electrocardiogram Application.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2019
Improvement of Concentration in Working Using Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2019
A Microwave Resonator Biosensor Based on MEMS Technology and Rough Cu Electrodes for Biological Cell Detection.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2019
Electrical failure analysis of peristaltic micropumps fabricated with PZT actuators.
Microelectron. Reliab., 2012