Research on Industrial Process Fault Diagnosis Based on Deep Spatiotemporal Fusion Graph Convolutional Network.
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CNEReg Interprets Ruminant-specific Conserved Non-coding Elements by Developmental Gene Regulatory Network.
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Detection of unknown bearing faults using re-weighted symplectic geometric node network characteristics and structure analysis.
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Fault feature enhancement and diagnosis of rolling bearing based on complex network.
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Multi-policy-aware MapReduce resource allocation and scheduling for smart computing cluster.
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An online sequential extreme learning machine for tidal prediction based on improved Gath-Geva fuzzy segmentation.
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Modified Gram-Schmidt Algorithm for Extreme Learning Machine.
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A Hybrid Model of Partial Least Squares and RBF Neural Networks for System Identification.
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A Novel Sequential Learning Algorithm for RBF Networks and Its Application to Ship Predictive Control.
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A Novel Sequential Learning Algorithm for RBF Networks and Its Application to Dynamic System Identification.
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