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Olympus: A High-Level Programming Model for Pervasive Computing Environments.
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Mobile Gaia: a middleware for ad-hoc pervasive computing.
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MiddleWhere: A Middleware for Location Awareness in Ubiquitous Computing Applications.
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Active security support for active networks.
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Use of ontologies in a pervasive computing environment.
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Cerberus: A Context-Aware Security Scheme for Smart Spaces.
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Dynamic personal roles for ubiquitous computing.
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Definition of a User Environment in a Ubiquitous System.
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A lightweight reconfigurable security mechanism for 3G/4G mobile devices.
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Towards Security and Privacy for Pervasive Computing.
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Security as services in active networks.
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A Flexible, Privacy-Preserving Authentication Framework for Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
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Routing Through the Mist: Privacy Preserving Communication in Ubiquitous Computing Environments.
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Developing Dynamic Security Policies.
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Wearable Security Services.
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Dynamic Resource Management and Automatic Configuration of Distributed Component Systems.
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An Adaptive Data Object Service for Pervasive Computing Environments.
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Secure Dynamic Reconfiguration of Scalable CORBA Systems with Mobile Agents.
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Management of Environments in 2K.
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Secure Information Flow in Mobile Bootstrapping Process.
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Flexible Secure Multicasting in Active Networks.
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2K: A Distributed Operating System for Dynamic Heterogeneous Environments.
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Secure Smart Homes using Jini and UIUC SESAME.
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A new approach to teaching a first course in compiler construction.
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Techniques for compressing bounded-context acceptors
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On the Ability to Cover LR(k) Grammars with LR(1), SLR(1), and (1,1) Bounded-Context Grammars
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