MGNDTI: A Drug-Target Interaction Prediction Framework Based on Multimodal Representation Learning and the Gating Mechanism.
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Theoretical perspective on synthetic man-made life: Learning from the origin of life.
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Finding lncRNA-Protein Interactions Based on Deep Learning With Dual-Net Neural Architecture.
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VDA-RWLRLS: An anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug prioritizing framework combining an unbalanced bi-random walk and Laplacian regularized least squares.
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Cell-cell communication inference and analysis in the tumour microenvironments from single-cell transcriptomics: data resources and computational strategies.
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LPI-deepGBDT: a multiple-layer deep framework based on gradient boosting decision trees for lncRNA-protein interaction identification.
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LPI-HyADBS: a hybrid framework for lncRNA-protein interaction prediction integrating feature selection and classification.
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LPI-EnEDT: an ensemble framework with extra tree and decision tree classifiers for imbalanced lncRNA-protein interaction data classification.
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Complementarity in information studies.
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Multi-task cascade deep convolutional neural networks for large-scale commodity recognition.
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An efficient parallel direction-based clustering algorithm.
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Efficient scientific workflow scheduling for deadline-constrained parallel tasks in cloud computing environments.
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Prioritizing Human Microbe-Disease Associations Utilizing a Node-Information-Based Link Propagation Method.
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Multiple convolutional neural networks for multivariate time series prediction.
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Non-contact detection of human heart rate with Kinect.
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The Unification of Information Studies Through Diversity.
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The Self Is Something Less, Not More, than Matter.
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Semiotics of Mimicry as Puzzle-Solving in Biosemiotics.
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The Metaphysics of Chinese Information Philosophy: A Critical Analysis of Wu Kun's Philosophy of Information.
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Philosophy of Information in Chinese Style.
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A New Paradigm for the Information Age.
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