Integrating imaging and genetic data via wavelet transform-based CNN for Alzheimer 's disease classification.
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Spatiotemporal Evolution and Risk Analysis of Land Use in the Coastal Zone of the Yangtze River Delta Region of China.
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Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis of the Chinese Railway Network Structure Based on Self-Organizing Maps.
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Vulnerability Analysis of Geographical Railway Network under Geological Hazard in China.
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A Three-Dimensional Visualization and Optimization Method of Landslide Disaster Scenes Guided by Knowledge.
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A novel visual classification framework on panoramic attention mechanism network.
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Network Characteristics and Vulnerability Analysis of Chinese Railway Network under Earthquake Disasters.
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Adaptive Construction of the Virtual Debris Flow Disaster Environments Driven by Multilevel Visualization Task.
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A Fusion Visualization Method for Disaster Information Based on Self-Explanatory Symbols and Photorealistic Scene Cooperation.
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A Virtual Geographic Environment for Debris Flow Risk Analysis in Residential Areas.
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Optimization of simulation and visualization analysis of dam-failure flood disaster for diverse computing systems.
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A rule-based parametric modeling method of generating virtual environments for coupled systems in high-speed trains.
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Dam-Break Flood Routing Simulation and Scale Effect Analysis Based on Virtual Geographic Environment.
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A procedural modelling method for virtual high-speed railway scenes based on model combination and spatial semantic constraint.
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Database management and visualization services of three-dimensional models.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Geoinformatics, 2014

3D GIS Modeling of Virtual High-Speed Railway Scene Based on ArcGlobe.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Image and Graphics, 2013

A Virtual High-Speed Railway Scene Modeling Method Based on Basic-Element Model Combination.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Image and Graphics, 2013