Estimating the Asymmetry of Brain Network Organization in Stroke Patients from High-Density EEG Signals.
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Effect of Sensor Density on eLORETA Source Localization Accuracy.
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Brain Network Analysis of Compressive Sensed High-Density EEG Signals in AD and MCI Subjects.
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Permutation Disalignment Index as an Indirect, EEG-Based, Measure of Brain Connectivity in MCI and AD Patients.
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An approach to share MRI data over the Cloud preserving patients' privacy.
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eLORETA Active Source Reconstruction Applied to HD-EEG in Alzheimer's Disease.
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Deep convolutional neural networks for classification of mild cognitive impaired and Alzheimer's disease patients from scalp EEG recordings.
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Hierarchical clustering of the electroencephalogram spectral coherence to study the changes in brain connectivity in Alzheimer's disease.
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A Longitudinal EEG Study of Alzheimer's Disease Progression Based on A Complex Network Approach.
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Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Morphological Classification of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis.
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